『偽りのアルカネット』キラル公式の携帯サイトである“CHiRAL MOBiLE”完全新作!大正ロマンを題材にした昼ドラ系BLノベル。突如上流階級の家に引き取られた主人公を軸に、愛憎ドラマが描かれ…
Announced on the CHiRAL MOBiLE website, a completely new production from Nitro+CHiRAL! The name of the romance BL novel is 偽りのアルカネット (Itsuwari no Alkanet (False Alkanet)). It'll revolve around the Taisho area where the protagonist is pulled into a house of rich aristocrats.
Taisho area = moe moe clothing SIODUA(D)SDA
Btw, for those who are wondering, a False Alkanet is a specific type of beautiful blue ornamental flower =D (
Wikipedia article)
They didn't state whether it's going to be a PC or a mobile game yet, but it HAS been a while since they made any PC games.
Fffffff no wonder 電柱路傍 hinted that it's a good year for CHiRAL ;A;