My Knees Hurt

Aug 28, 2004 19:18

Oww. My knees are burning. I scraped them up really badly on Thursday afternoon when I was running after the bus to Extension Campus. >.<;; Argh! Ripped my purple stockings all up, too. They just started healing over this morning. Still burn like hell, though. Owwies! *tear*
Anywayz, yeah, I haven't been doing anything today. Played some Dragon Warrior III, then card games--Solitaire and Eight Off. Solitaire's not even challenging anymore. That sucks... I'll probably update my site, too. I've got 6 more poems to put up since last time. ^_~ In the meantime, quizzies, courtesy of Ben. ^.^ hee hee

Brown: You are someone of great wisdom. A very
intuitive, and healing personality. You are a
force of balance in this chaotic world. Has
anyone ever said that you were wise beyond your
years? Well its no surprise because you are!
You solve problems like no other. I bet your
the first person that people turn to for

!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!What colour is your spirit?(with great pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm. I suppose so. Not too keen about the artwork, though. ^^;

The Empress: Symbolic of intuitive emotion,
spiritual feeling rather than logical thought,
artistic inspiration, nature, harmony,
abundance, growth, and protective love. The
Empress signifies femininity, fertility,
hamronious growth, both physical and creative,
intuition, energy, love, protection, material
wealth, and a happy marriage.

~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????!!!!!!!Which Tarot Card Are You? (with great pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla
@_@; Again?! Wow, that really is my card. I've gotten that one before, in a different quiz...
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