Summary - Modern day AU/AU. Ennis, Jack, kids, a playground...
Warnings - none
Length - c300 words
Feedback - yes please!
Apologies, folks. This one is a little shorter than usual, I'll try to make it up to you next time :)
The guys have a fun evening at Ennis' place...
I don’t stay. I can’t. Not only ‘cause it’s Sunday night and we both have to work in the morning, but also because of the intensity of my emotions. I need some space to get myself under control again. Don’t want to intimidate the guy by declaring my undying devotion. Not just yet anyway.
Being apart is tough. He’s on my mind constantly. I call and text him as often as I dare and my heart soars every time my phone rings, displaying his number. Yeah, he calls me too. Daily. Maybe I’m not the only one riding this wave.
I jerk off more times this week than I care to admit to. My head is full of images of him; the evening we spent at his place, the things that we did, the way that he touched me, looked at me. Sounds crazy, but in some ways I’m kinda glad he works away half of the week. Gives us a chance to talk without being distracted by hard bodies and wandering hands. It means I can look forward to Friday with that fluttering anticipation that keeps me awake for many hours at night.
Bobby notices. “You look bouncy,” he says when I pick him up from preschool on Thursday.
“Yeah. Like a rabbit, or kangaroo.”
“A rabbit?” Oh boy, if only he knew.
“Uh huh. A happy rabbit.”
“Thanks, bud. I think.” I ruffle his dark hair and help him into the car.
He’s right. I am happy. I can’t help feeling that Ennis and I might have something going on here. Something really good. I can’t wait to see him again. But I can wait a little longer because tomorrow is Friday - and we have a play date.