One-Shot: September First

Mar 25, 2012 17:10

Title: September First
Author: annabeth_gray 
Pairing/Character(s): Lily Evans, Lily Potter
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Word count: 214
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note:
Summary: Lily is leaving for Hogwarts. Written in celebration and mourning of September first, because we all wish we'd gotten one of those letters. One-shot

Today is September 1st and Lily Evans is leaving for Hogwarts the first time.

She's a little scared, because this is the first time she'll be away from her family for more than two days in a row.

Worse, she'll leave on the big red train in half an hour, and she's still fighting with Tuney and she's still angry at Sev.

Lily says goodbye to her parents and boards the train. She'll miss them and her sister.

She continues to look out the window long after they're out of sight.

48 years later Lily Potter tries to ignore her brothers' ribbing while she listens to her mother's last minute advice. A few meters beside her Hugo is getting the same treatment from Uncle Ron.

She remembers, two years ago, laughing at Al and Rose's nervousness, and she regrets that, now that she understands their concerns.

Daddy kisses her forehead whispering "I love you, Lily." then Mum bends down and hugs her, seeming too teary-eyed to say anything.

At the sound of a whistle she kisses Mum's cheek, gives Daddy a quick hug and gets on the train. Once there Lily hurries to find a window to wave to her parents.

She continues to look out the window long after they're out of sight.

hogwarts express, character: lily potter, fanfiction: harry potter, character: lily evans, platform 9 3/4

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