Oct 23, 2005 20:18
my day was very good.
last night i stayed over at my friend breyannas house and we chilled with jon, trey, her and some of their [excluding trey] friends in jons garage. we stayed there for a while and just listened to music and talked. we went to bed VERY LATE and i ended up not going to work because i was tired as hell. i took a shower and we just sat in her room and talked and shit. then jon came over, that was fun- all of us chillin. finally after who knows how long of us tryin to go somewhere we did. jon took his mommas min-van and we went to glenwood to pick up breyannas boy chris. i met him last night but he forgot. after we got him we headed on over to his place i think it was. or maybe it was his uncles. nate came too, i forgot. there were a bunch of kids there and they were sooo sweet. oh my god. i love them to death and i got like...10 pics of them. im gonna buy the 2 youngest ones dolls. they dont have any. they said they love me. it made my day.
but then i got a message over myspace from chris and i hurt him real bad. that's what it was about. i feel so bad. i tried calling him but he never answered. thats him calling now though.