
Jul 28, 2009 13:28

So, recently i've been reading The Illuminatus Papers by Robert Anton Wilson. I'm enjoying them as they present actual things to think about, but aren't rediculously serious about it as in "while you read this you ought to be messing your pants", but rather "so, here's the thing, but hey! ehre's a way of looking at it and let's joke about it". And I fully beleive there's alot that no one's going to get unless they've read The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson.
Anyway, the former book dishes out some good excercises on how to reprogram, or rather, deprogram your brain.
"The term 'dissocociation of ideas' was coined by the French philosopher Remy de Gourmont, based on the Pavlovian discovery that the brain usually works in conditioned or habitual associations. To become more concious and intelligent, de Gourmont proposed, examine all your habitual associations and try negating them.
For instance, if you mechanically associate technologty with badness, try making a list of ten inventions that you really would nto want to do without, starting with the printing press that brought you this intriguing experiment. then add ten more. By then your dislike for technology should be somewhat less all inclusive and more reasoned.
On the other hand, if you robotically accociate technology with goodness, make a similar list of 20 things we could damed well do withouth, starting with the hydrogen bomb. Your allegianjce to technology shoudl be somewhat more concious and less mechanical.
Try the excercise every day, testing a new association each time. After all, the Sufis say if you can live even ten minutes without conditioned reactions, you are Illuminated."

So, i tried this's kind of hard. I have inwardly debates any way over the necessity of technology, so i chose to do a list for both:
Ten Things I could not do withoutTen things I Could do without1. Printing press1. Phones2. Boats2.Cars3.Music playing/storing device3. Planes4.Hospital electrical goods4.Computers5.Ovens/stove tops5. lights6.Thermometers6. Washing Machine7.Pens7.Dish washer8.Watch/time telling device of some sort8.dryers9.Water pump system9. Microwaves10. Matches10. TVs/movie players11.Hydrogen bomb12.Neuclear anything

it's really difficult to do that. i tried another one today, and once again, i was fairly back and forth on the subject, and i was having a hard time coming up with even a couple for either argument. And i thought i picked a fairly easy one to do as well! go on, give it a go.

Seperately, i've been experiencing things very vividly recently. I"m not complaining, as it's quite interesting to explore.
The other day i stood ont he deck and observed the sun as best i could via the corner of my eye. I felt it's heat, and realized just how near it was - near, far, and powerful that is. i truely began to understand it's power as it's millions of miles from us yet we feel its intense heat and it has teh power to kill us just based on our orbit. That is just a astar. One star. One of the thousands of millions we see every night which are nothing more to us than twinkling specks.
A couple weeks ago i was working for Bowl N Roll and i was driving the equipment to Widby island as we were working a food stall at tghe art festival in Langly. On th eway back, the sun shone on the trees up ahead and the wind blew threw the branches. I realized how real it was. it was a being reacting to its environment right before me. It was just a tree (as i am just a human), but i saw the individual leaves s[parkle as they twisted on their stems and some shake themselves free.
then there was the thunderstorm last week. I found myself walking from down town to jordy's when the thunderstorm commensed. Thunder and lightnight communicated with each other in the usual way, though the air remained thick and heavy with moist and heat, almost suffocatingly so. I Felt the Thunder. I Saw the lightnight. I had to witness it. The sky was speaking. The heavens were colliding. Science was happening. I became very aware of the battle of hot and cold, high and low which was commensing over my head, and iw as mesmerised. i was in awe.
And even today, as i listened to Tool's 10,000 Days album, i felt joy. I always feel delight when i listen to Tool, but i Heard it as if i'd never heard it before, as if I had never known the band existed before. I seperated name from sound, then combound them again to test how they matched. I conjured the image I might portray to som eone who did not delight in the Tool genre (and oh yes, it does have its own genre), then applied it to me to see how well it fit.
I'm feeling better for existing in bellingham as i fell as though i'm beginning to fall back into my reading and learning. I have a list of books i'm going to read and plan to have read by September. And i'm delighting that i've returned to an area where there are people enough to discuss these topics so that i might maybe gain further insight, and that i'm finally in a learned possition where i actually CAN converse with these people and keep up with the conversation content. Most of these people are scorpios, if that helps reason why i dokn't feel on paar with them.

There was something else i felt was of importance i wanted to write in here....Oh yes, it was on chess. never mind, that can wait for another day.
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