May 16, 2009 09:55
hi! so, i'm back in bellingham. some of you may have realized this others may be a bit slow on the ball, it's ok.
i'm really excited to be back. i was having a bit of a freakout period when i got here wondering what the fuck i've just done, but i think i'm over it now. who knows how it'll go. i'm over my jetlag any way, or at least i was able to sleep in until nine this morning instead of getting up at 6.
The flight over was kinda scary, as are all flights. i do'nt understand why i can't hack it. though i was a bit emotionally shook up when i got on the plane any way. I flew on tuesday and had been awake since sunday morning due to a series of misshaps and general stressing - minus the odd nap here and there when i could mind you. Tom was an amazing help to me the past few weeks. he's been so supportive and just there when i needed some help.
When i got on the plane, it was about half ten and we were meant to be taking off at 11. I was trying to make myself go to sleep before take off so i wouldn't have to deal with it. But then i heard not so much as comotion but just something. i opened my eyes in time to see two armed policeman walking down the isle, a non police man, and two more armed police man following. They were escorting some one off the plane. yeah, that kind of shook my cage a bit. Earlier, in the airport a lady had seen me crying and suggested i go get myself a drink from the bar, and at that moment i deeply wish i had. ha ha! Any way, take off was fine, though i didn't handle it as well as i'd hoped. there was an empty seat next to me, which was really nice, and there was an empty seat next to me on the isle side and a very nice couple who gave me their sweets for when my ears popped. they saw i was stressing out and were really nice, and told me to sit with them during landing. good karma onto them!
the movies on the plane kinda sucked. i watched a bug's life - though there were some good documentories on about davincie and the pyramids. right up my ally. the annoying thing was i couldnt' turn the tv off once i turned it on, and i wasn't digging a tv being eight inches from my face for 7 hours. thankfully, iw as able to lay across the seat and have a bit of a snooze.
landing was fine, once again that really nice couple made sure i was alright and talked to me the entire landing. i have no idea what they told me, but i just know they were rediculously nice and should i run into them again, i'll buy them a fruit basket..or a drink, whichever.
philidelphia is stupid, by the way. absolutely rediculous. you ahve to pay three dollars to get yourself a trolly so you can sort your baggage. what? that seems like a bunch of non-niceness to me. you're on a 7 hour flight and you h aven't got any american deneeros. what the fuck are you to do? in the end i had to hire a trolly guy to get my bags for me and check them, which instead of three dollars cost me ten. the only reason i went to him was because he said he took any currency. he was actually quite nice, so i tipped him. i dont' kn ow what i'm supposed to do in those situations. tip? don't tip? meh. his job must suck, so many irratable people demanding baggage carrying and whatnot. tip.
*sigh* a wave of wales-missin' has just gone over me. mainly becuase duffy's on the radio at the momtent. dont' get me wrong, i'm not a fan of duffy, but she was local to where i was.
any way. so, i had a four hour lay over in philly. it wasn't too bad. i bought a half price book and devowered it before i got on the plane. it made me feel good, as i've been having a hard time getting through books recently, mainly though becuase the reading content differes drastically. funny novel about a woman who's a bounty hunter and doesn't know what she's doing verse learning about secret occult teachings from quabalistic traditions....i don't feel so bad now.
speaking of which. don't read The Secret History of the World. The author escapes me, but i can tell you right now it's a load of absolute bollocks and wank. I"m sorry, but Halloween is not celebrated in memory of the races that drown during the Great Flood when Noah did his thing.
The guy sitting next to me was really nice to seattle. I thought i was being really good about the take off. i had been dozing a bit when we started taxiing, but was jolted awake by the sound of the engines starting up, but other than that i though i'd been alright, but i guess i was tapping on things quite a bit. any way, he was really good about chatting to me and making me chill out.
when i landed, Pete and his girlfriend who's name i can't remember becuase let's face it, i was well out of it - were waiting. I had a good sleep the whole drive back. i really enjoyed seeing pete, even if i wasn't concious for it. I need to get hold of him and hang out with those two properly.
um...let's see...nothing too terrably excitin'g went to a bonfire last night and nicole and ariel's. that was fun. i really enjoyed that. I'll admit, i was a bit intimidated by it, mainly i was intimidated by the coolness that is nicole and ariel. but once i got there, it was fun. It was good seeing ross as well.
today i need to get down to the nitty gritty and do my job huntings. ive got a few places in mind i know that are hiring because random strangers keep saying "oh, you're looking for a job, so and so is hiring". I FUCKING LOVE BELLINGHAM! I love the ski to sea. i love the bike to work and school day (though i'm told that was state wide, i'm still pinning it on bellingham). I love the Lettered Street Association. I love that people in bellingham are just so conflargged nice - i'm sorry bellinghamsters, i know there's so many of you that would love to beg to differ with me, but my opinion's not swaying. don't get me wrong, i know there's a fair few who cannot stand me, and likewise, but i don't care. they're still part of bellingham, so i'll stand back and *heart* them as part of area.
see, now i'm all soppy. tee hee.