Mar 30, 2008 21:19
So I'm watching one of my favorite shows right now, Keeping up with the Kardashians, and total bullshit just went down all over my screen.
So Kris, the mom, is auditioning for a 40+ dance troupe and Chris Judd (J. Los ex) is teaching her so moves and shes hopping on one leg in a direction (dumb move, eh?) and she falls and starts swearing and screaming and crying and her 10 year old daughter shouts "I'M CALLING 911!" and she does. Okay, look, this little girl has NO idea when the appropriate time to call 911 is. She fell and hurt her knee, thats it.
I hate to whine about this again, but I got tackled by some beasts on my rugby team and BROKE MY LEG. Nobody called 911 for me. But back to the show.
So the 911 people come and they're like "...uh, we can't do anything about this, go to a doctor and have him scan it." She WALKS back into her house (not limps, walks) and get set up in her bed and calls the doctor and they decide to get an MRI.
I didn't get an MRI. I DROVE home and CRAWLED my way up my stairs SOBBING and didn't go to a doctor for six weeks. Then we waited about two more months until we finally got an MRI.
And then, "Two Days Later," according to E, she strolls into the hospital to get knee surgury because she tore her miniscus (sp?).
Two DAYS later? I waited SIX FUCKING MONTHS to get my ankle surgury. This shit doesn't happen that fast.
Even if I went to the doctor right away, getting an MRI appointment takes a few weeks and then you have to get an appointment after they read the MRI, which takes a few days just to read it, and getting an appointment with a good orthapedic doctor will cost you at least an extra week. Then they have to schedual the surgury, and guess what, you don't get into an OR two days later, you get into one two months later, hoping of course you can get an pre-op appointment in the next two months. Otherwise you have to wait longer.
I'm pissed because if thats true, what happened, famous people get better health care than non-famous people. I already know that I, as an "athlete" I get prefrential treatment over non-athletes (my mom had to wait three months to get in an OR while I got into one in three weeks) but I mean, they want us ready to play for our spring seasons, but what is Kris Kardashian going to doing that she needs to have a ship-shape knee right away? She doesn't go to school like I do (so I had to get cut during my break) and she doesn't really work.
Bullshit. Give that prime OR space to people like me. People that need it. Wait your turn, reality show star.