waiting for you chapter 4

Aug 21, 2009 01:41

Title: waiting for you chapter 4

Author: me!

Pairing: Pairing: akame(akanishi jin/kamenashi kazuya) main, Akanishi/yamapi (Pin), kokame?

Disclaimer: if I ever own them, I will keep them for myself. No sharing, so…I do write this fic, means I still do not own them yet! (Cries)

Genre: angst, romance,

Rating: PG-13? I don’t really know…

Warning: This fic also contain Pin moment. So, if you don’t like it, please don’t read. Un-beta, I beta this by myself… sorry for grammatical errors T_T.

Summary: Kame and Jin already become lover, but Yamapi, Jin best friend want to break them apart. Why? This is because he loves Jin. He wants to have Jin for himself.


Jin still goes to school. He misses his Kazu Chan. Even though he still mad at him, but he doubt that picture. What if Kazu tell the truth? He wants to talk to Kazu and clear the misunderstanding.

When he arrived at his school, he quickly went to his lover’s class. He looks inside Kazu’s class but still did not see his lover face. He started to feel very worried. What have happen to his Kazu?

Then, a pretty boy that always hang out with his Kazu stand at the class door staring dragger at him. He approaches the boy and tries to ask where his lover is. Soon after he asks the boy, the boy punches him hard at the face.

Blood is dripping from his lips. “Why?? Why do you hurt Kame like that? Don’t you ever have heart?!”

The pretty boy starts yelling and shoves the older boy.

“Tat Chan, stop it.” The bald boy with earrings like gangsta stops the pretty boy.

“Wh…what happen to Kazu Chan? Where is he?” the older boy asks the two other boys.

“He’s in coma right now,” the bald boy said with sad eyes.

“Yeah! Thanks to you jerk! For hurting him!” the pretty boy starts yelling again.

“HAH? Coma? What happen? Please, I want to see him!” Jin cannot think right anymore. He can’t afford losing his Kazu,

“No! I will not let you see him! You make him like that! I hate you!” Ueda want to punch the older boy once again but Koki manage to stop him.

“Tat Chan! Stop it. I will talk to Akanishi sempai first, you stay with Nakamaru,”

Then, Koki grab Jin wrist and whispered.

“Come, he will be happy if you come to see him,”



At hospital

“Koki Kun, what happen to Kazu Chan?” Jin manages to ask the younger boy again. He wants to know what happen to his lover.

“He got into accident, car accident. Yesterday, he went to your house, he saw you with your lover in the bed.” Koki stop for a while. Jin’s jaw might drop to the floor. He so shock! Kazu! Saw me with Yamapi together? Oh my, he must hate me now.

“He runs away and that car hit him and run. He must intended to kill Kame,” Koki said and tap Jin shoulder.

“It’s okay if you don’t love him anymore sempai, I will take care of him. Don’t you worry or feel guilty. It’s not your fault. I understand, you don’t want to be with him anymore ne,” Koki said with shinning in his eyes. Jin doesn’t like those shinning. Those sparkling eyes said that the gangster boy already fall for his Kazu. He sighs.

“I do love him, yesterday was a mistake,” he mumbles softly. But, koki did not hear that.

When they arrive at Kazu’s room, he can see Kazu’s body with many tubes attach to his body. He want to cry, he want to scream. But, he cannot. His body becomes stiff and he cannot move his body at all.

“Koki, you’re here,” a tall boy with fair skin and blond hair wave at them. He sits beside Kame.

“Come here, ah… Akanishi Senpai. You here, I’m sure Kame will happy if he knows you come to see him,”

Jin slowly approaches the boy and look at Kame. He just ignored the boy and reaches for Kame hands, caress it a little bit.

“How’s him now? Will he be able to wake up?” Jin asks the boys.

“If he not wakes up for another 2 days, he maybe cannot wake up anymore,” koki said with teary eyes. He tries not to cry. But, he can’t stop his tears.

“He will wake up Koki, he is strong!” Taguchi says with his sad smile.

“You both, I will take care of him. You can go home now.” Jin says with soft voice and still caresses Kame’s hand.

“Okay, Thanks senpai,” with that Taguchi take Koki hand and get out from the hospital room.

“Ta…Taguchi! Wait!” Koki try to stop the taller boy but it’s too late. They already leave the hospital.


“Kazu…Kazu Chan…please wakes up. I miss you. Please…I will do anything. Just please wake up.”

Jin slowly kisses the younger boy lips. The kisses just a chaste kisses. He waits for the younger boy to response his kisses but found none.

He broke up his contact with the younger boy. He takes the younger boy hand and caresses a bit. He can’t stop his tears from falling down.

“Kazu Chan, I love you…please I love you. Please wake up,” he mumbling the same words like some kind of mantra.

He is so afraid, so worried. But he cannot do anything. He still needs Kame in his life.

Jin comes to the hospital every single day. He will always bring Kame’s favorite flowers. He will stay beside Kame and always say how much he loves him.


After several months, Jin still visits Kame everyday and bought the flower. He will sing their love song, care every single day. He will cry when he touch the latter cold hand did not moving at all.

One night, when he sings the song, he can feel Kame hand moving a little. Jin quickly called the doctor. Kame’s eyes slowly open. He stare at the older boy beside him with confuse stare. He can feel the older hand still hold his hand. He can feel the happy feeling but he doesn’t know why.

“W…who are you?” the words that come out from the younger boy lips break Jin heart.

“You…you don’t remember me?” Jin asks the latter holding back his tears.

“No…who am I? Where is this place? Ahhhh…My head hurt,”

Jin cannot believe that’s happen.

‘Why Kazu Chan cannot remember anything?’


Yamapi knew Jin always go to the hospital, to visit Kame. Every single day, Jin will go and visit Kame. He needs to think something soon.

“Damn you Kamenashi. Maybe I should kill you for real,”

The thought that come cross his mind make him laugh evilly.

“Maybe the accident cannot kill you, but if it is poison…will you still be alive?”

He laughs sarcastically and called his butler.

“Matsuzaka san, can you give me Heiji phone number?”

The butler gave the number to Yamapi before ended the call.

“This will be interesting. Jin, I will help you to forget this bitch,”

A/N: short? Creepy? Gosh! I’m quite rush for this chappie. Is it nice? Bad? Or maybe I should stop writing? Coz I think I just don’t have the talent. Maaa…I will try my best. Next chappie will be better. (I guess). This fic kinda depressing ne~ now I will write a one-shot story. I will try writing smut. Lol….

Btw, please gave me comment~

Chuuuuuuu~ love you all~


my fanfic, akame, waiting for you, kamenashi kazuya, akanishi jin

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