Jul 11, 2006 14:54
Hey everyone.
I know its been a while since I wrote last, minus of course the name thing.
The big news is that I got a full time job. I am hired as a legal secretary for CCPO in the civil department. Yey for that! Also, I am officially an ALUM of SFU! Crazy, isn’t it? Feels so weird, part of the big bad working world. Oh yes… I have a desk with a window, okay so it overlooks the county jail… which is higher than my floor. I’m told, when its dark out you can see the prisoners. Fabulous!
In other news: I turn 21 soon! And by soon, I mean in like 1 week! Yey, able to drink (legally of course). I’m excited, I’ll be going out. I’ll be able to go to the restaurant that I work at. (How odd is that… I can work there all hours, but after 5pm I can’t get in without a parent to eat dinner.) speaking of resurants, why haven’t you visited me yet? 30 cent wings! Great beer! I mean what other place has over 100 beers (100 is the number on our tour, not to mention the standards such as Dortmunder, locally brewed, and Miller light, Labatts, ect.).
In addition to working 2 jobs, I’m also back to dancing! :D makes for a very happy Anna. I’m doing ballet about 2 nights a week for now. Getting some great exercise. I’ve missed it so much. I hurt so much after class, but it’s a good hurt. And amazingly, I haven’t forgot that much, mostly just names. I still have my technique and my body just does what comes “naturally” ( I use naturally in quotes, because ballet really isn’t natural by any stretch of the imagination.) Its like riding a bike. When you first start is hard to learn, but once you learn you never forget. It gets rusty if you don’t do it for a while, but it all comes back to you. I had fooled all 3 teachers (and for those of you who danced at Diann’s before, we have hired back Nancy Lee, and also added a new Nancy, Nancy Hightower, in addition to Nancy Watson who was there from the beginning.) All three of them couldn’t believe that I haven’t taken class in 3 years. Amazing!
I’ve been keeping an online calendar of events so you guys can know what nights I have to work. Besides work, most things are not set in stone. Please, I want to hang out. The money I make at the Lizard is my spending money and what I make at the prosecutors office is what I’m saving for school.
Phil comes in soon! Yey! 9 days actually. Its been forever since I’ve seen him, and by forever, I mean Memorial Day. 8 weeks, is way too long. I much prefer to see him often, but I don’t get that chance now. I can’t wait for my friends at home to meet him. He’s a great guy, (a bit of a thief since he stole my heart… aww I know.) No, I gave it willingly to him. In August it will be 6 months. Hard to believe. But very exciting. I don’t even want to talk about my last relationship that lasted this long. Tee hee. I’m sure most of you know who it was, just think back.
Well, I’m running out of things to say. Things aren’t very exciting in my life right now. Just work. I had my first day off in I can’t even remember how long on Wednesday. I don’t expect another one until the Friday after my birthday. Why was I stupid enough to work two jobs?
Oh a day to keep in mind… I will be drinking lots. September 30 I am taking the LSATs. This time I have my ticket already, and received the confirmation e-mail. I guess its time to go look at classes and books.
But byes for now.
<3, me