
Oct 21, 2007 19:09

There are two out of control wild land fires in San Diego county as I type this. I have lived in Southern California long enough to know that people who do what the authorities say don't die in brush fires here. Usually, they can even save a car load of family heirlooms. I have live in Southern California long enough to know that I don't live somewhere that is going to catch on fire (at least not as a result of these fires). If anything bad and flaming is going to happen here as a result of brush fires, I will know with about a million years of warning. That said, all of this is putting me in a very strange mood. I can see a decent sized list of reasons:
1. Breathing issues related to smoke, which has blown here.
2. It all reminds me of when the Angles National Forrest was on fire in fourth grade. The Angeles National Forrest is a couple of blocks from my dad's house.
3. Thor. I usually think of Thor for a few seconds when I pass a fire truck. I say "Thor, they're playing your song," and then I go on with my life. But with a constant assault on my senses, I think of him more. And then I think about how the news said that this fire is moving fast, faster than you can drive an engine, and then I worry for all of the people on fire lines tonight, and for their families.
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