May 08, 2006 12:37
I spent a most glorious Sunday planting flowers for my wedding and playing a fantastically close board game! Who could ask of anything more?
Just over a month ago I pulled out the Vessey's Seed catalogue and chose most of the flowers for the wedding. The seeds came about two weeks ago and we have some really cute seedlings on the go. It really is amazing just how straight forward and rewarding it is to watch something grow. The bulbs came this past week and I'm happy to say that there are 134 gladiolus bulbs in peat pots ready to grow. I planted about 50 last week and most of them had already broken the surfaced with green shoots! Impressive. M was so helpful and it was so much fun to work with. The day's beauty was perfect as the sun beamed and the green grass showed spring's glory.
As for the board game, M and I have been enjoying two new boardgames in particular. One is a rail building game... one where you get a laminated map and you get to draw on it with crayon! The point is to connect cities so as to take goods from one to another and make money. We've played it so many times that I'm pretty certain that our house rules out weigh the ones given by the manufacturer. Oh, it's called EuroRails. There are others in the rail series - our personal favorite is Iron Dragon. So much fun! The other board game is called Power Grid - also known to us as The German Power Game, said in your best Arnold accent. It's incredibly well balanced, where you almost want to be in last place until the end. I would recommend either of these games to anyone who likes to play boardgames regularly.
All that said, the more time I spend with M, the easier the rest of my life seems to get.