The alien signal WOW was decoded!

Feb 08, 2015 08:45
A sensational message came at the last in Moscow on the 15th scientific UFO conference: managed to decipher a strange signal " WOW!", received by the radio Observatory of the University of Ohio (USA) August 15, 1977. More than 34 years, the message has been remained unsolved. The meaning of the decoded signal indicates not in favor of Terran.

A reply from the Space

A report about discovery was made by Russian researchers Yuri Grigoriev and Anna Azhazha. They could prove that the recorded signal "Wow!" is presumably extraterrestrial origin, and is a type of a test for people. It was sent someone reasonable from the space like a response to a well-known's broadcast earthlings made from a radio telescope near the Puerto Rican town of Arecibo 16 November 1974.

Today this radio telescope is the largest in the world. There is the Observatory of the National center for astronomy and ionosphere USA, and there from in the direction of star clusters M13 Hercules was transmitted the radio signal. The message lasted 169 seconds, wavelength - 12,6 sm. The authors of the Epistles were American astronomers Frank Drake and Carl Sagan. It consisted of 1679 numbers, which in the binary system were coded a main data about the earth civilization. It includs some information about a human and the population of the Earth, about the DNA of the people, the structure of the Solar system, as well as other important information. To decode it, unknown to the recipients need to know the meaning of the binary code, widely used in computer technology on Earth.

This message invoked at society a wave of discussions. Many scientists doubted that it could be anyone deciphered. In fact, it was a test of reasonableness for a hypothetical aliens.

However, signal had noised and was forgotten. However, the answer seems to be still came after two years and nine months. For the operator Observatory in Ohio received signal was so unexpected that he signed his exclamation " WOW!" ("WOW " Russian "ogo!"). Under this name the signal and sealed in the history of the Programme for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence" (SEТI) is still not deciphered. Now the uncertainty can be removed.

A few words about the discovery. Spouses Yuri Grigoriev and Anna Azhazha , incidentally, she is a daughter of the world-renowned researcher of UFO Century, V.G. Azhazha are active members of the Academy informationalism and applied UFOlogy and about twenty years devoted to the study of the UFO problem and the search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Their scientific priority is the study of ancient texts with the use of a comparative analysis of their symbolic language. In this situation Russian scientists needed to use deep knowledge in various fields of linguistics, cryptography and symbolism. In Russia their group "Heritage" open "Linguistic code of the Holy Scriptures," which identified "Common symbolic language of world culture". Young scientists are confident in the prospects of his scientific method of deciphering ancient texts, and reading their signal " WOW!" is a very important proof of its effectiveness.

"At the beginning there was a word..."

The signal " WOW " consists of a set of characters 6EQUJ5 and, at the first view, there is nothing ordinary .

- Having many years experience of research in symbolic information, - say the researchers,- once we intrigued by the signal " WOW " and were quite surprised that in the presence of prompts to decrypt it still remained misunderstood.

We hypothesized that a combination of numbers and letters in the signal is hardly an alpha-numeric code and it can be recognized, - recalls Grigoriev beginning to unravel the meaning of a message. - Judging by the small number of characters that is made up the signal, it is obvious that they are hidden in just one word. What?

The first hint was given by the analysis of "the message from Arecibo". In fact, its introduction, intended for training of aliens binary code - a language of the message was a test of their intelligence. It was logically to assume the answer is in this building. Confirmation of this was the presence in the signal 6EQUJ5 the letter "Q" is the maximum straight tip on the abbreviation IQ ("IQ"), which means Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Another hint was given through the transcription of the letter S as i, and then the English abbreviation IQ was read completely transparent. But the numbers 65 of the signal in accordance with the sequence numbers of the letters of the Russian alphabet also form the word "test"! After that, the scientists became clear that the earthlings are testing.

- Easy reading of the natural and the main message you can find friendly aliens act towards humen, " - says Anna Vladimirovna. - The goal is to simplify the search of the coded information. We appreciated and enthusiastically went on.

It was found that the signal applied several different alphabets: English, Russian, and even Burmese, writing constituent letters can be called a mirror. So, writing of number "six" in the signal can be easily transformed into the word "test", if the mirror turn the letter "W".

Another one according to the concept of the English abbreviation IQ was found in the German alphabet. The value of the letter "J" in the set 6EQUJ5 in the German alphabet is read as "yot", or the Russian "th". Therefore, read from the end characters "JUQ" set 6EQUJ5 in the Russian transcription is read as "j-Kew", which equals "IQ". Again already familiar IQ!

Such erudition of the authors of the Epistles in the knowledge of the earth's languages have fascinated the researchers. As a result the word "test" was duplicated in a short signal in seven different ways! As they say, do not want, and will understand. It is true that people still took more than thirty years. Of course, the response signal we were also checked for reasonableness. After all, spelling of the same words or concepts several times, according to the rules of cryptography should be for humans convincing by the fact that the received signal-to-Wow" has an artificial nature.

Doubts about the randomness of the set of symbols in the signal fell away one by one. It has become clear that the alphanumeric set of "WOW signal" is a multi-level backup account one important concepts - a test on the level of intelligence IQ. This repetition talked about the intelligence signal. Besides, the presence of links to various languages gave a hint that the signal can contain additional information. The researchers went further.

Icons in Hampshire

There should be a small digression.

On 20th of August 2001 on a grain field in the English County of Hampshire, near the village Chilbolton for one night appeared a figure with a strange content. The field was hardly chosen by chance. It is joined by the Observatory, and that's near the main telescope appeared mysterious icon. Scientists have dubbed it the "binary code". It was very reminiscent of the "message from Arecibo". Were we told?! Was it like an answer for us?...

Yuri and Anna have managed to find the correlation signal is " WOW ", obtained by the American radio Observatory in Ohio, with this icon.

- You remember what a stir in the world caused this figure to box? - continues Yuri Gennadievich. - To declare it as the making of pranksters could not - it was too complex pattern. But to take the icon for the message of the aliens, no one has officially decided. Earth science is hard not to recognize the existence in the Universe of other civilizations.

Decoding the binary code has engaged an Independent research center unexplained of phenomena (England). Upon closer examination it turned out that the differences from the earth the message is still there.

What's the difference?

In the chilbolton "binary code" of DNA graphically represented differently. According to experts of the Center, it may mean that the DNA molecule "response" contains additional components or different number of branches of the spiral. Significantly different from each other and shapes. In the earthly message is a schematic drawing of a person. But the figure of the "stranger" has a disproportionately large head and short body. In addition, the changed data on the growth figures and the population.

Next. In the "Arecibo message" the third planet from is the Sun, the Earth, was close to the legs of the human figure, showing the planet habitat. In the chilbolton the icon to the shape close third, fourth and fifth planets. In this fifth more than others. The experts believe that it is the "respondents" indicated their planet stay - Jupiter...

And another one difference. The terrestrial signal contained atomic number of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus as main elements on Earth. In the "binary code" is added and the sixth element is silicon. By the way, this is consistent with the view that organic life on other worlds could exist on the basis of silicon. Summarizing information about chilbolton’s "binary code", the Director of the research Center Paul VEGA in his time said that this icon could not be tampered with by people due to its complex structure and specificity of the incorporated information.

After a year in the same County of Hampshire near the village Pitt was found an image. In length it was about 110 m, width is 76,2 m. It was a "face" of an alien. It was made up of horizontal lines, and reminds used in modern television "interlaced".

Traditional science has ignored the message again. Scientists don't believe in aliens still. Since such content "field images no longer appear. Until... the Science on this account is silent for all 10 years, not responding to the message.

But why scientists are so persist in their opinion? The answer is again found in the signal 6EQUJ5.

The test for reasonableness

In time of the decoding of the signal it was becoming obvious to Russian researchers that the numbers 6 and 5 are also some of his important meaning. The logic is simple. If the signal is so insistently repeats the word "test" for those who could find it, it is a test of your wits. Then it is logical to assume that the number of 65 - an assessment of the aliens the level of intelligence of humans, especially as recognizable letter Q is an abbreviation from the word "ratio" in the abbreviation IQ.

- It is possible to say with confidence that the hypothetical aliens who sent us feedback, appreciated the intelligence of earth 65 percent of the terrestrial scale IQ, - says Yuri Gennadievich. - Soft formulation, it, alas, is mental retardation". And that is reality and people should not be offended. You just have to think, if it is possible to correct the situation by any ways.

By the way, this third-party assessment of mental abilities earthlings gives some answers to our questions:

- why aliens don't go to direct contact
- why we haven't still found them
- why do we still consider ourselves lonely in the vastness of the Universe.

But the earthlings the IQ really means even more disastrous results. This figure shows that only two percent of the population with IQ, relevant Maloney capable in accordance with this level somehow to perceive information from the outside. It is within the 2% is all the elit of humans' civilization, its progressive potential. Best available. No wonder the signal remained unrecognized for 34 years!

Why, the apparent scientific earthlings , and hence the overall progress on the part of the aliens is such a low estimate of their mental abilities ?

- The fact is that humans confuse erudition and intelligence, taking one thing for another, " says Anna Vladimirovna. - Knowledge is acquired by a person amount of knowledge and intelligence - the ability to evaluate the knowledge from the standpoint of logic and analysis. People can be knowledgeable almost encyclopaedically, but he is not able to apply this knowledge in practice. Considering that the majority of the population live their days in the eternal consumer race, not increasing their knowledge and developing the intelligence, the so-called human desire for a comfortable existence actually lowers it to the border severe Malone. Agree, assessing the earthly humanity in 65% of IQ, the aliens still make to us a great discount...

Yes, technical progress itself is in no way an indicator of the evolution of mankind is not. On the contrary, apart from the understanding of the processes of peacemaking and spirituality issues, it only accelerates the degradation of people. Therefore, in response to the "message from Arecibo", where in the binary system shows the Earthman, "all power which is not in the head and shoulders, the aliens depicted his head large, indicating the superiority of the intellect.

All is it so hopeless in the field of exchange of information with extraterrestrial intelligence? The continuation of the dialogue depends on the ingenuity of the earthlings, and last but not least - from Russia. How the country will be available in circumstances where it affects the message to the world that he is not alone in the Universe. Hope still glimmers. So how many more years will it take until the opening of Yuri Grigoriev and Anna Azhazha recognize really a scientific breakthrough?

Author: Gennady BELIMOV.
The Head of the Voljescky group of study Anomaly Phenomena,
Ph.D., member of the Board of the International UFO Association.

video discussion decoding Signal in WOW on Russian TV:
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