Dzhohar Tsarnaev. The facts of the investigation.

Mar 06, 2015 03:51

Внимание! Никаких денег и любых других благодарностей за эту и другие публикации по делу Джохара Царнаева я не прошу. И более того - настаиваю на том, чтобы никаких денег не пытались мне переводить, если вы реально хотите помочь Джохару восстановить справедливость.
Под этими строками я не подразумеваю ничего кроме того, что написала.

Итак, для начала я нашла на английском подборку фактов, которые говорят об одном: Джохара Царнаева искусственным образом пытаются посадить за чужое преступление. Не хорошо, господин Обама, позволять оставаться на свободе настоящим террористам, которые в следующий раз сделают тоже самое в каком-нибудь другом американском городе. У нас в России тоже искусственно сажают невиновных, но при подобном противоречии фактов наши судьи не берут такой грех на душу.

The facts of the investigation

July 15, 2013, источник.

To America and the World,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our grievances over the way in which we are being depicted by the mass media due to our views regarding the case against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the accused Boston Bombing suspect. As Americans, as well as World citizens, we deserve to have our voices heard and our message delivered fairly and accurately, and not through the media’s manipulative, agenda-driven lens.

For supporting our belief in Dzhokhar’s innocence, we have been labeled as “pathetic”, “psychologically broken”, “crazy”, “evil”, “delusional”, and “disgusting”, among other things. We have been forced to endure a seemingly endless barrage of hateful messages, death threats, and wishes for death and/or suffering to befall our loved ones. We are hounded and harassed daily. We have also been labeled as “fangirls”, in a blatant effort to discredit us and our message by implying that our motivations are somehow sexual and/or immature in nature. Why? Because we dare to question the “official narrative” released by authorities & the mainstream media with respect to what happened on that fateful day in April, and the Tsarnaev brother’s role in it. By portraying us in such a disparaging way, the media have created a smear campaign aimed at negatively shaping the public’s attitudes towards those of us who defend Dzhokhar’s rights, and the basic principles of justice in America.

We make no apologies for our firm belief that Dzhokhar, like any other US citizen, should be provided the rights guaranteed to him by the United States constitution. As such, he should be afforded due process under the law and “the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.” Although Dzhokhar has yet to stand trial or be convicted of any crime, the media have peremptorily tried, convicted, and proverbially hanged him - as well as those who support him.

You should know that Dzhokhar’s supporters span the globe and represent a multiplicity of ages, races, ethnicities, religions & countries - both male and female (incidentally, being female does not negate one’s capacity for reason). We are deeply sympathetic to the victims of the Boston Bombing and their families. We, like everyone else, want to see whoever is responsible for committing these horrendous acts of senseless violence apprehended and held accountable for their actions. However, we reject the official narrative portraying Dzhokhar as the perpetrator of these acts based on hearsay presented by the media, inconsistent and wildly varying “official statements”, and a lack of visual & physical evidence to support his involvement. We maintain that a transparent, independent investigation into the Boston Marathon Bombing is important and necessary for the following reasons:

1. It is a FACT that Dzhokhar was at the Boston Marathon (but so were thousands of others).

2. It is a FACT that the exploded backpacks were black - Dzhokhar's was clearly white/grey in color.

3. It is a FACT that the backpack pictured at Dzhokhar’s feet outside of Forum restaurant, (the backpack said to have contained one of the bombs), does not match the backpack that Dzhokhar arrived with. It is also a FACT that the backpack at his feet also does not match pictures of the exploded backpack.

4. It is a FACT that it was reported by authorities that there were 5 bombs there that day.

5. It is a FACT that the Boston Globe tweeted about “bomb drills” and “bomb squad activities” the day of the marathon, with one of the tweets being sent in close proximity to the time when the actual bombs were detonated.

6. It is a FACT that Dzhokhar’s backpack could not fit ONE pressure cooker, let alone 2-3.

7. It is a FACT that one of the exploded backpacks exactly matched that of one of the Navy Seals/Craft International security personnel working the Marathon that day.

8. It is a FACT the mainstream media will not report on this.

9. It is a FACT that the exploded backpack is very similar to those purchased by the Department of Homeland Security for use by Navy Seals.

10. It is a FACT that the pressure cooker had female DNA.

11. It is a FACT that neither Dzhokhar’s OR Tamerlan's DNA was on any of those pressure cookers.

12. It is a FACT that the authorities deleted photographs and videos from the phones and cameras of spectators at the marathon.

13. It is a FACT that the public has never seen the prosecution’s alleged “irrefutable video graphic evidence” reportedly containing CCTV footage of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev setting down his backpack in the middle of the marathon crowd, and then casually walking away moments before it detonates.

14. It is a FACT that even the most senior authorities within the Boston FBI hadn’t viewed this "smoking gun" CCTV footage at the time they revealed its existence to the public.

15. It is a FACT, that despite not having actually viewed said footage with their own eyes, the heads of both the Boston PD & Boston FBI were quick to label it as "extremely disturbing" and called it "clear and damming evidence" of Dzhokhar's involvement and guilt.

16. It is a FACT that the FBI sought help to identify Dzhokhar & Tamerlan, when they knew exactly who they were - and knew their home address.

17. It is a FACT that Dzhokhar’s empty firework tubes had contained RED gunpowder when the pressure cookers had contained BLACK gunpowder.

18. It is a FACT that there was simply not enough gunpowder from any fireworks that could have caused the blasts at the marathon, according to expert Julie L. Heckman of the American Pyrotechnics Association: there would not have been a sufficient amount of gunpowder to create these bombs, as the fireworks industry is very heavily regulated.

19. It is a FACT that the night of carjacking, both Danny's and the FBI's criminal complaint report do not match up. They contain completely different versions of how events transpired that night.

20. It is a FACT that police scanner recordings from the night of the carjacking clearly state that the carjacking took place at a gas station in Cambridge - this contradicts both Danny's & the FBI's versions of events which had stated that the carjacking took place elsewhere.

21. It is a FACT that the police said that Dzhokhar was shooting from the boat, only for it to be later confirmed that he was unarmed.

22. It is a FACT he was seen conscious and surrendering yet ended up fighting for his life.

23. It is a FACT that there was NO blood on the outside of the boat until AFTER Dzhokhar surrendered.

24. It is a FACT that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a US citizen, was interrogated in his hospital bed, while in critical condition and heavily medicated, for 16+ hours without having his Miranda rights read to him and without a lawyer present, despite his repeated requests for one to be provided to him.

25. It is a FACT that FEMA and the DHS had planned to conduct a bombing drill/training exercise (eerily similar in detail to the events that actually unfolded) in the weeks after the Marathon Bombing. It is also a FACT that the detailed plans for the “exercise” were revealed by the Boston Globe newspaper in early June, 2013 with officials stating that the exercise had been cancelled due to the fact that they had already gone through “the real thing”.

26. It is a FACT that Topsfield Police, Mass. recently discovered a pressure cooker and other materials that could be used to make a pressure cooker bomb, similar to those used in the Marathon Bombing, at a man’s home. This discovery was made after police arrested this individual on assault & battery charges, as well as making a bomb threat. Comparatively, Dzhokhar has never been found with such materials in his possession.

27. It is a FACT that on July 11th, 2013, a Boston Police officer was arrested and released on $1,000 bail after authorities found a stash of military grade explosives, bomb making tools (wiring and detonation tools), and other military-issue weaponry at his home.

This would not be the first time that someone has been suspected of carrying out a bombing at a high visibility event in the US and later found to be innocent. In 1996, Richard Jewell was suspected of setting off a bomb at the Olympics at Georgia's Centennial Park, only later to be vindicated. Richard Jewell stated that the FBI was “in a rush to show the world it could get its man” and that the media “cared nothing about my feelings as a human being”.

The attitudes of the mainstream media and subsequently, those who crassly and ignorantly react to those of us who support Dzhokhar and his right to fair trial, point to the fact that among the most fundamental tenants of our justice system, (the right to presumed innocent until proven guilty), is sadly becoming an obsolete ideal that we can no longer count on to prevail in the face of injustice.

We are seeing now what happens when a faction of “the masses” feels compelled to speak-out and question the established narrative and challenge the status quo. We are vilified, accused of being “traitors” and “conspiracy theorists”, have our sanity called into question, and are sometimes even labeled as “terrorist sympathizers”. Why such a desperate need to place these derogatory labels on those of us who seek-out the truth, demand that the democratic principles that this country was built upon be upheld, and who speak-out when we encounter what we believe to be injustice? Apparently, it’s to send the message that being an open-minded, questioning, critical-thinker who supports the foundations of the American justice system, is something for which one should be ashamed.

Whether or not the media chooses to acknowledge the validity of our reasons for believing in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s innocence, our resolve to demand and petition for the fair & unbiased implementation of our judicial processes will remain unaltered. We will not stand by and watch while another innocent life is taken or destroyed as a consequence of that tragic day in April.

Sincere Regards,

Jennifer Novak (USA)
Sonia Black (USA)
Audra Hawkins (USA)
Maryam Barrie (UK)
Melika Missoum (UK)
Mervi Ketola (Finland)
Leanne Fogarty (Mexico)

And ALL those demanding #JusticeForJahar & #JusticeForBoston across the US and throughout the World.

Hi, I write for all those who believe that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent, We need evidence that is who made the attack in boston, said he left a bag in a restaurant, we need to see the video, and there are many pictures circulating on networks social about the news. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is totally innocent until proven guilty, we want justice, we want truth, we want evidence about his false accusation, he's a person like everyone else, deserves respect.

Danke der Familie, den Freunden, Nachbarn und Bekannten für ihr Mitgefühl, für die Beweise herzlicher Anteilnahme, das betroffene Schweigen, wo die Worte fehlten. Dank auch für die Gedanken der Trauer und die Hilfsbereitschaft, Spenden. Es gibt Tage uns Stunden im Leben, die jeder durchstehen muss. Aber sich getragen wissen von Menschen, die uns nahestehen, gibt unendlich viel Kraft. Danke

Джохар Царнаев, Америка, о терроризме, США

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