I no longer update this blog, so I've gone back and deleted all the entries that aren't useful.
I don't want to delete this account entirely, because I've posted some reviews that might still be helpful and informative to people.
Additionally, I may still use this account for communities like
yorku and
This has been a long time coming, because I haven't actually been active on here for a long while. There's a slight chance that I'll start updating about my life again, but to be brutally honest that seems unlikely. Most likely I'll log in and check in from time to time and possibly post reviews about TV shows/movies.
I've noticed that most of the people on my friendslist just don't update anymore, and I don't blame them. Livejournal is kind of dead, and isn't nearly as popular as it once was. :/
The only person that I really regret having to tell this to would be
sakurasky_chama, since she's a "real-life" friend that still updates from time to time. Chama, if you post something that you want me to read then tell me and I'll read it. :)
If anybody else from Livejournal really wants to keep in touch that can be arranged. Just comment here and we'll work something out. :)
I may post another entry that contains links to all of my reviews, and make my unfinished reviews public. As of now, I have 47 entries- most of them consisting of reviews/quotes/useful observations.
This isn't really a goodbye- just a "see you later". I still lurk occasionally, and I may post something again if I'm really motivated.