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campylobacter March 29 2011, 20:49:39 UTC
Is all stargateland stuff member-locked because of porn?


anna_sg1 March 29 2011, 21:15:28 UTC

But no. It's just... a members-only comm. As far as I know, all landcomms are. Dunno why.


campylobacter March 29 2011, 21:26:40 UTC
I wanna participate in stargateland, but Members-Only content that's not NSFW always seems vaguely wanky to me.


anna_sg1 March 29 2011, 21:44:03 UTC
Well, as long as I've been there - there was no wank (there was something about Mafia once but it was nothing serious and it ended as soon as it started).

Mostly it's just about having fun stargate-related times with other fans; making/writing fic, icons, games, various spams, fanmixes... stuff like that :D Nothing terribly complicated... but fun.


campylobacter March 29 2011, 22:04:15 UTC

But I wanna cross-promote it and it's hard to decide if I should because I can't tell if it's Gen or any-pairing-allowed or whatnot when the content's Locked. I left a question on one of the comm posts, so hopefully a mod Can Haz Give Me 'Splainz soon. I mean, if it's to thwart spammers, I'd totally understand.


anna_sg1 March 29 2011, 22:15:52 UTC
Any pairing is allowed and gen... basically whatever you like.

Mostly it dependes on a challenge. You get basic parameters what you should do. So far I haven't seen any challenge that forbade a pairing.

If the challenge IS specifically romantically oriented - it's always generally worded - like for instance a picspam challenge where you have to spam your favorite pairing - it's never specified that it has to be het or slash or whatever. You can spam Jack/Thor for all anyone cares. :D (I think someone actually did, come to think of it. :D) There was even a challenge where you had to come up with various pairings I think.


campylobacter March 29 2011, 22:33:16 UTC
OMG sounds like so much fun!

I'm just one of those social butterflies who likes unlocked content, but from co-modding daniel_vala, I now completely understand that member-locking is the best way to keep out comments linking to dubious Viagra vendors and counterfeit Rolex watches.


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