Nov 22, 2009 18:09
I watched 2012 the other day.
The plot is weak and the end is stupid but the effects... oh my GAWD!!! Legendary epicness!!! Everyone needs to see this film in the movies and only in the movies. It will be totally wasted on the small screen.
My love for John Cusack and Oliver Platt know no bounds! Absolutely ADORE them.
I was a bit annoyed by the high ground that scientist guy took. This is the survival of the human race we are talking about. There is no possible way everyone will be saved.. nor can you give everyone the same opportunity to save themselves. There is simply no room.
Also, the abundance of Stargate/Firefly/other actors in this movie is great! And the director is Stargate movie director Ronald Emmerich.
Sidenote... there were three freakin' trailers and/or commercials for all things Twilight before the movie started and the whole movieplex is filled with it as well. Not to mention all the papers, radio, even the news. No disrespect to my flisters who love it but this is really not directed at you guys. You are awsome and not boring in expressing your affections but this... This is just annoying. Like... VERY.