please no.... pretty please

May 27, 2009 00:49

For some strange reason, these last few days I've been running into various Buffy related news and/or vids. As much as my last post was awsome and fun... this one won't be.

I just read this post at bashippers.

Apparently, a Buffy movie is in the works, but without the master Joss Whedon!!! Also, to make things even more blasphemus idiotic this new "film" would have no connection with the TV series, nor would it have any of the old cast.

o_0 Hollywood, why so lame?

How is this Buffy, the vampire slayer we all know and loved?!

Someone please tell me this is all a very bad joke and will in fact never happen.

EDIT - Joss Whedon's email response to this worst idea ever since tv was invented:
What do you think about this Buffy movie they're making without you?
JOSS WHEDON: I hope it's cool.

That's all he said. I'm so hoping and therefore seeing the sarcasam in this response. *clings*

btvs, rant, things that make me die inside

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