Dear Supernatural,
thank you for being the best show EVER (next to SG-1) on TV.
yours truly,
I guess you could conlude I watched the rest of the eps and what I think of them. :)
Ep 4. Metamorphosis - Like I said, the scene in the beggining is just AWSOME! And then later, when the confront each other ... just great scenes. These guys blow me away every time. I felt bad for Travis, but he should've listened to Sam. The carnage would've probably been avoided. I love the scene when the brothers barge into that poor womans apartemen with those little fire thingys! LOL Made me think of Reaper. They always had weird devices.
Ep 5. Monster Movie - Black and White tehnique turned out great! I love the changed opening credits. This ep totally reminded me of an X-Files ep Post-Modern Prometheus. Also weird, also funny, also in black and white. And, Dean in that Oktoberfest outfit - LOL Preciosness, Just a joy to watch... much like the next ep, Yellow Fever.
Ep. 6. Yellow Fever - All I can say is... Dean screaming like a little girl - ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! :) The look on Sam's face was just priceless. I can't imagine how these two managed to keep a straight face during the filming of this ep. Oh, and when Sam explains to Dean why he got the disease - LOL again. "Basically, they were all dicks." *g*
How Dean grabbed that flashlight:
Dean: (referring to the gun) I'm not carrying that. It could go off. I'll man the flashlight.
Sam: You do that. *g*
And OMG Jensen dancing/singing after the end - AWSOME!!!!! I love TPTB for putting that with the ep!
Okey, now to the little of the serious parts of the ep - evil!Sam is very, very creepy. Poor Dean, his greatest fear must be that his brother will turn all demony. *squishes him*
Ep. 7 It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - So, Sam meets Castiel (who is btw, very hot) and Uriel and is very dissapointed. I gotta say, I was also a bit dissapointed at them. But I have expected tptb to start showing Gods side as not-so-good either. Still, Uriel is shown as a real pompous ass. Me thinks that God has some other plans that these guys (Cas and Uriel) no nothing about. Have I mentioned how great Castiel is? And how hot? Well, he is. :) Did you notice how long it took for Castiel to shake Sam's hand. And I love how he put his other hand on top of it.
Dean's all in Uriel's face: "I mean, come on, you're gonna wipe out a whole town for one little witch. Sounds to me like you're compensating for something." Burn. :)
I must admit I don't understand all the hostillity from Uriel towards the brothers or the indifference to wiping out the whole town. I also don't understand how Castiel can (practially) tell him to shut up when Uriel is an archangel. Doesn't get any higher than that. So who is Castiel then? Does anyone remember him from the Bible or something? or is he totally made up by the writers?
As for Sam ... what do you guys think he is? My money is on potential Antichrist. Like in Buffy when she picked out Potentials... that's how yellow-eyed picked out his candidates. Sam could become one, but maybe doesn't have to. Just a thought. I could be wrong
Ep 8 Wishful Thinking - YEEEY Joxer! I mean, Sam Raimi as guest star. :) Gawd, the huge manic depressive teddy-bear was just beyond bizzare.
Teddy Bear: Look at this. You believe this crap?
Dean: Not really.
Teddy Bear: It is a terrible world. Why am I here?
Audrey: For tea parties!
Teddy Bear: Tea parties? Is that all there is? (starts crying) :)
Oh, and Busty Asian Beauties - LOL.
Dean: I got to tell you, I'm pretty disappointed.
Sam: You wanted to save naked women.
Dean: Darn right I wanted to save some naked women.
Oh Dean... *squishes him* Never change.