Icons Meme!

Oct 17, 2007 23:37


Comment and I'll pick seven of your icons, and then you will explain why you love/are using the icon (who doesn't love talking about their icons, seriously) and then post your explanation/this meme in your journal for other people to squee about their icons, and basically it will be a huge squeefest of love and 100x100 square pixels.

She picked these for me to explain:

Made by
a_gal_icons I love this one coz it comes in handy when I'm feelin' really pissed about something and wish to express it not only with my post, but with the icon as well. Also, I liked Teyla in this episode!

 I totally fangirl and ship Rosama... and they are beyond cute in this icon! The "No SPOILERS" sign indicates my complete and total spoilerphobia when it comes to BSG... I don't want to know anything till I see it on tv.

 Aaahhh... Liverpool... my love! *huge stupid smile* This beautiful, yet simple icon was made by
nadi_wamos. I am crazy when it comes to football/soccer (depending what part of the world you're from), and this club is teh bestest! Who can forget the Champions League finals in Istambul... against Milan! They were losing 3-0 in half-time.... but when they came out on the field, and the whole stadium shook from the song "You will Never Walk Alone"... beyond awsomness! And they won! And they'll win this one, too... I'm positive! *bounces* And seriously... Gerard is just the bestest guy ever. Period.

 The crazy Bella! Made by
wicked_visions. How I love Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange, let me count the ways! The green lips and green name indicating her Slytherinism and therefore badness, on a black&white pic, is awsome. To me, her character is one of the best bad guys in HP 'verse. She is just completely insane, completely evil and completely obssessed with Voldemort. There is no persuading her, no begging will work.... whatever it takes to please the dark lord, she'll do it.

 Hmmm... I don't really now  what to say about this one. John and Aeryn are made of awsome. Pure and simple. They practically invented angst. *nostalgic sigh* Perfectly finished ship. TBH I picked this particular icon (made by
dasku) coz of the thumb. Is that weird, or what... *shakes head* I mean...John has these huge hands (that I love) and when he cups her face... and strokes her cheek with his thumb, I melt from the shippy fluffness. And look how they are leaning on one another... you can just feel the chemistry. Man, this makes me wanna go watch FS again.

 Oh, this one is one of my favorites. Made by the awsomly talented 
shoegal_icons. It kinda has a double meaning. Totally reminds me on the Daniel/Vala thing (the DeVilish shippers *g*) and it expresses how I feel sometimes. Especially when I read some fics... *grin* Also, I'm a shamless flirt.... or so I've been told (don't know why *blink blink*) and it just caught my eye immediately. :)

And this brings us to...

 ... Sparky. Made by also wonderfully talented and totally sparkified
rayvin813. I love this icon coz it's just... awww, romantic! :) The little smile on Johns face, and the way he's looking at Liz... awsome. And look... you can see the little sparks around them. Match made in heaven.
*sigh* It's just such a shame... *hugs sparky* Although, romantic soul that I am... I'm still hoping. :)

meme, icons

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