Atlantis rewatch

May 29, 2008 12:11

I started rewatching Atlantis season 4 yesterday… you know… something to keep me from going completely nuts after a whole day of studying. I was gonna start with season 4 of Buffy (having rewatched the first three a month ago), but I only have half so I’m gonna wait to get the rest then start.

Also… I borrowed all of my SG-1 seasons to a friend, and the only episode I have at home is Memento Mori and I rewatched that one two days ago… so Atlantis it was. *g*

Anywhoo, I watched “Adrift” yesterday and I gotta say… the way John reacts to Keller’s explanation that Elizabeth will never be the same is just… *gush* And tptb insist there’s nothing between those two! Also, another awsome scene is when McKay tells John that he reactivated the nanites - OMG! Joe Flanigan is so great there! I hate to see team members fight but I love it when it’s done so good that I actually care about it - another example of this would be Jack and Daniel fighting in “Abyss” (season 6, SG-1). And I just love how Rodney says “No.” even though Sheppard is pissed! Again, John was the only one who actually understood how freaked out Elizabeth would be by this and just what she went through the first time (ep “Real World, season 3”), you know coz he loves her and she loves him and they understand each other in that way. That whole scene is just awsomly done by the actors.

That being said, I'm so never gonna be okay with the way tptb treated a member of the main cast. Whatever. Just stupid.

Also, I totally forgot about that young doctor-guy that helps Ronon - that guy is hillarious. They should’ve used him in more episodes. And when Ronon comes to see Elizabeth... just awwww!

Fave qoute:

McKay: It's complicated. Look, imagine them as leaky pipes okay?
Sheppard: Okay.
McKay: So you pump water through them, they leak right?
Sheppard: Dumb this down any more, you're gonna get hit. *g*

I love McShep. *g* I believe I read somewhere that this is the first time that Rodney calls Sheppard by his first name, too.

Ona totally unrelated note... I just realized that today is both the anniversary of JFK's birth (he would've been 91 today), and the anniversary of the Heisel tragedy. Weird, I never noticed those to events happened on the same date.

stargate atlantis, ep reaction, football/soccer, random, season 4

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