Пьер Дени (Денез)

Sep 04, 2011 19:01

Спасибо Лёле Париной за наводку. Замечательная статья о человеке, с которым я имела честь общаться, и который много сделал для того, чтобы я смогла стать специалистом в области бретонского языка.
When the Breton writer and scholar Per Denez was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Wales in 1985, he was astonished to hear its chancellor, Prince Charles, say how sorry he was not to be able to address him in his own language. He had never received such courtesy in France and was more used to the insults which the French state habitually flings at those who work on behalf of the Breton language and its culture. The remark remained with him as a sign of the comparatively kinder treatment received by the Welsh, especially from their national university, where the language and literature of Wales have been taught for a hundred years or more. Полностью тут: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/obituaries/per-denez-writer-and-scholar-who-sought-recognition-for-the-breton-language-and-culture-2347820.html
Единственное, что мне не понравилось в статье, это фраза: "His department was responsible for turning out thousands of graduates who became the Young Turks of the revived Breton movement." Неправда ваша, дорогие авторы,ни разу не похоже бретонское возрождение на то, с чем вы сравнили.
А вот тут фото с вручении премии Имрам в 1998 году, где П. Денез председательствовал.


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