an awesome day at Robar!

Feb 06, 2013 23:33

Today was an awesomely productive and just generally awesome day. We all have make up time to do at school since we got rained out a few days last week so Maribel and I are up first, going in to class for 7am and leaving at 8pm. They're long days but today I got so much done! What a great feeling! Especially after yesterday which was an epic screw up day (won't go there for now). But no, today I got put on the skid steer in the morning and I built a few little ramps which got a thumbs up from Fooster. In the afternoon I was on the dozer and I felt like I did some good work there too. In the evening I did a sloped safety trench with the backhoe and then Bob called me over to do a steep incline climb in the dozer. Freakiest thing EVAR. It was really effin steep and the top was a narrow peak that the dozer just balanced on before you started the decent. Than I did it in reverse :O But I did it and I was super proud of myself (even Bob said he thought I would chicken out). Then at the very end of the day we learned how to change buckets on the TLB.

So yeah, LOTS done and at the end of it all Rich and I went out to Boston Pizza for supper. I think I might have talked his ear off just a bit but I think I'll blame the lingering adrenaline rush from the great bulldozer balancing act I'd pulled off an hour before. Good times! When I got back to the HGH I checked my email: still nothing from Al but I got the best message ever from Maribel simply titled ";)" I don't even know how long I laughed for after I saw it. There are no words, just a picture: it's of me shamelessly checking out one of the guys in class. He's just sitting there playing with his phone minding his own business and I'm beside him giving him the full on (finger in mouth and everything) check out. It's seriously the final word on indescretion. Anyways, just thought I would share that lol! Now I have to go to bed - tomorrow is the last 13 hour day then only two days left for staring at cute classmate/until the course ends.
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