I *love* my
Valentine's Day Trade Game. (I'll accept trades until thursday, you can also just tell me you want to trade with me before the deadline and finish the actual trade later)
Since the last report, I have received:
"Der Mond ist aufgegangen" by Matthias Claudius sung and recorded by
fleurrochard A graphic of John and Rodney by
sandrainthesun An adorable Mcshep ficlet by
gblvr An
origami flower that looks much better than mine and
a really nice Mcshep Trio Tag by
clear_as_blood A whole Mschep fic: The Old Familiar Sting by
perfica And a compliment by
dogeared I fell *rich*!
I finished another one of the trade requests (I trying to work my way from the top down, as fast as I can, but there is many of you and only one of me :P ). This one is for
sheafrotherdon's fic
Sleeping, McShep, PG-13