Two year aniversary!

Jan 05, 2008 13:13

It has been two years since I made my very first SGA manip. This was my very first fanish involvement *ever*!

This year's statistics:


Total art pieces: 94

Total manips and graphics: 18

Total drawings and paintings: 76

The above were for the following fandoms:

SGA: 83


1. Rodney no Monogatari - The cover of a picture-book

2. and 3. Kid!AU John and Rodney at the beach and a Remix of Tardis80's Chansons de la Mer

4 - 9. John and Rodney, with a white board; Spacemonkeys; fanart for 'Playing With Matches'; John and Rodney in the infirmary; John and Rodney and a dragon and Tipsywitch; John and Rodney picking apples

10. Cover for 'Scenes from a Lesser War'

11, 12 and 13. Picture Book to runpunkrun's 'Able to Zoo': details, eavesdrop, gamble

14 - 17. John and Rodney in the Mulder and Scully; John and Rodney watching the dawn; John watching Rodney; John and Rodney at the beach

18 - 30. Battlestar Atlantis

31. Fanart for Yin's 'True Colors'

32 and 33. Fanart for toft_froggy's 'String Theory, a Concerto for Violin in D Minor' and John, Rodney and Atlantis

34, 35 and 36. Fanart for aesc's 'Qualities of Silk'

37. John and Rodney kiss in the Messhall

38. John and Rodney and Rodney's Laptop

39. Fanart for Cesperanza's 'Written by the Victors'

40. Travelers mini-comic

41. Nantucket John and Rodney

42. John and Rodney on a field

43. The Seer mini-comic

44 - 49. Rapunzel

50. John and Rodney, Rodney and John (Female!John)

51. John, Jeannie, Madison and Rodney in his orange fleece


52. Radek and a pigeon

53. SGA Tarot Deck - The lovers

54 - 57. Picture Book to runpunkrun's 'Able to Zoo': able, bracing, crank, frolic

57 - 61. Chuck; Rodney, Madison and Jeannie; Teyla and Elizabeth at an Athosian ceremony; Lisa, Rodney and Carson; Kid!Teyla, John and Rodney playing football

63, 64 and 65. Rodney and Teyla - flirting, kissing, holding hands and expecting

66 - 70. The adventures of Laura and Ronon

71. Fanart for trinityofone's 'Walk a klick' (Rodney and Teyla)

72. John and Vala

73. Heliocentrisis

74, 75 and 76. A montage of 3 tiles featuring 3 different moments in John and Vala's relationship.

77. John, a bit of Atlantis and a lot of sky and ocean

78 and 79. SGA Tarot deck - The Hermit and the Devil

80. Rodney, Teyla, John and Ronon - Gen

81. Contemplative John

82. Doppelganger mini-comic

83. Girl!John in a dress, looking pretty

SG-1: 1

84. Daniel and Cammie for synecdochic's 'Civilization'

due South: 4

RayK and Ben

85 and 86. Fanart for cesperanza's story 'With Six You Get Eggroll'

87. RayK and Ben's Snowboarding Holiday (Honeymoon?)


88. Ben and RayV, totally Gen

Doctor Who: 2

89. The Doctor, Martha, and the Master, meeting Rodney and Vala

90. Jack, Martha and the Doctor at a dinosaur petting zoo

Thoughtcrimes: 4

91 - 94. 2 covers for samdonne's 'Man, Interrupted' and two variations of the graphic


I wrote exactly one fanfic this year: Rapunzel (SGA)

In conclusion

SGA is and remains my primary fandom. McShep is my predominant pairing with 61% of all SGA fanart and a 100% of my fic being about them :D.

2007 was a wonderful fanish year for me: I went to England for Pegasus 2 and had the opportunity to meet many wonderful fellow fans. I got to draw and manip and I like to think my technique has improved.

For the first time I wrote a fic and that makes me incredibly happy as writing is something I want to learn how to do properly and continue doing in the future.

I hope 2008 will bring me the same happiness 2007 did.

due south, fanart, doctor who, manip, thoughtcrimes, sg-1, sga, anna life, fanfic

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