Fanart: Girl!John in a dress, looking pretty

Oct 30, 2007 22:35

:P I drew a female!Shep for monanotlisa... again.

(Actually *all* my female!Sheps are secretly for her because hers and auburnnothenna's was the first genderswap!piece I fell in love with).

This is *not* part of the drawing-offering-thing, where I'm supposedly making her girl!John and Cadman... does anyone have a setting idea for those two? What *could* they do together that is bellow R-rated? I suppose I could always go with "The adventures of Laura and John"...

The text reads:

John: So, Rodney, what do you think?
Rodney: You're trying to kill me, aren't you?

I figure John let himself be dressed up by the science team ladies or something.

john, fanart, sga

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