Fanart: Fish Like Bikes - Rodney and Miko (Elizabeth, John and Teyla)

Aug 22, 2006 03:41

Here is my entry for the fish_like_bikes challenge.

My prompts were: 'marriage', 'bondage' and 'left behind'.

So I decided that Miko and Rodney got left behind on a weird alien planet where the natives forced them into ritual bondage(of the non-erotic kind) and they fell in love. After coming back to Atlantis they celebrated a traditional Japanese marriage:

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fanart, fish_like_bikes, sga

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Comments 36

rainbow_goddess August 22 2006, 04:44:48 UTC
Great pictures!


anna_luna August 22 2006, 12:44:58 UTC
:) Thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked them!


therisingmoon August 22 2006, 04:56:06 UTC
they're lovely and hee! oh john. *g*


anna_luna August 22 2006, 12:55:05 UTC
:D Thanks! I'm glad you liked them!

John is *so* at the mercy of the girls...


zabbers August 22 2006, 07:06:39 UTC
Ooh, more pretty! I love Elizabeth's hair in this.


anna_luna August 22 2006, 12:58:25 UTC
Thank you! I'm rather proud of the way her hair looks, it is such a pain to draw and it always looks bad, so I'm glad I finally got it right.


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anna_luna August 22 2006, 13:11:58 UTC
:D Thanks! I just had the image of him trying to run away and Teyla casually grabbing him by the collar, without even batting an eyelash. He is at their mercy.


jade_dragoness August 22 2006, 07:22:39 UTC
This is so pretty. *flails* OMG! SO PRETTY!

And Miko is a total McKay!Fangirl. *nods* She's one of our own so she's allowed to get married to him.

And John running away...*snorts with laughter*

Gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them!


anna_luna August 22 2006, 13:37:21 UTC
:D I think Miko is totally cute. And she genuinely likes Rodney, even though she has been at the bad end of his moods and sarcasm. I can totally see her bringing him coffee (or tea) to the lab or helping in some experiment. Also, If Miko *is* Doctor Kusanagi (and haven't seen any other Japanese people around the lab) then she has the ancient gene. She is totally cool!

I'm glad you liked them.

John running away was just a 'resistance is futile' moment.


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