(no subject)

Dec 01, 2005 22:49

at the moment I am eating Spagehttios with sliced hotdogs,
oh my god it's a mouthgasm!

today I woke up late and my mom was like "I'M NOT DRIVING YOU IN RAHH FEEL MY WRATH!" and since my dad is in California on business or something he couldn't bring me in :[ so, because I am such a great problem solver, I spent the next 30 minutes thinking about how to conserve time and catch the bus (I need a goddamn car/liscense). and then in spite I said to my mom "fine then I'm not going to school." and my mom could really give two shits, so she said "okay kewl I'll call in for you."
I went back to bed and slept until 3:30.

the moral of this story is that I am a rebel. A tired rebel.

my brother Jerm is pretty weird. I didn't even ask him to do this.

this little book was sitting in my kitchen table

the only way I cut apples is the star way!


she's got a pretty cool eyeball (she took this one)

she took this one

we're pretty cool

well, bye!
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