Aug 11, 2009 17:56
It took me a couple days to report... but I'm alive (?). It feels like jet lag, or something, even though it was only an hour drive to and back. But we were up late Friday and Saturday, and I walked a crap-load more than I'm used to, soo... Bleh, I'm just plain tired. Z_z
Anyway, where to start... Honestly, this year was a disappointment. Almost everything was running late, some things were either rescheduled or just plain canceled. That, and a few of the panels kept getting WAY off topic... (Like the Yaoi panel, though it was still amusing.)
Although, the Fanfiction panel was pretty neat. Dragon Dagger is the one who did that one, and she was really nice. I knew a lot of the stuff she talked about, but I learned a few new tricks to try with my writing, so that made it real sweet, too. ^^
And I totally splurged with my monies. I bought more manga, even though I hadn't started reading the ones I bought last time we went to Sioux Falls. I had nineteen unread ones. O_o But now I've read the two Legend of Zelda ones and Otomen, so... it's not AS bad? xD
Which reminds me, purple is now my favorite Link in Four Swords... and on Brawl. Purple Link is just the bomb. :D
Uh, okay, now I'm off topic... what else did I buy... *looks around bedroom quick* I got a couple badges. One has "I :heart: Yaoi" on it, and the other one has all these different fandoms in gray, then in red it says, "Why yes, I do write FANFICTION". :D I also bought this neat pair of goggles... even though I don't need them. But they looked so cool...
And the epic thing I bought (which was cheaper than the goggles by ten bucks, believe it or not), is a paddle. (This is going to show my obsession, but I don't care!) It's about thigh-high, and on one side it says "Uke", while on the other it says "Seme".
... Yeah, I'm a complete dweeb. Laugh at me! LAUGH!
Oh, and we tried sushi while we were there. I'm not gonna act like a bunch of the REALLY obsessed fans and say I like it when I don't... because I didn't, not really. The chicken tempura was good, and so was the noodle soup, but I didn't like the miso. The California sushi rolls were okay. And OH MY GOD the wasabi was freakin' HOT. Dip it in soy sauce first, because otherwise, it will sting. >.<
I FINALLY PASSED THE "Perfect Imagination" BETA TEST!!
I actually found out on Friday, right before we left for Sogen Con, but ah well...
I've been taking that test for... sheesh, probably over a year, now, and I finally passed it! I am super duper happy with myself.
sogen con,
uke/seme paddle,
perfect imagination,
beta reader,