Your First Kiss With An Inuyasha Character(girls only) by KeroberosYour Character NameYour AgeFavorite ColorWho Kissed YouSesshoumaruWhere You Guys Kissedat your parent's house (um...)Whyit was an accident, well you just happened to slip...What You Did AfterStutter, *Well, I-I-I, U-Um...Ok.What He Did Aftergets lost in your eyesWhat He Said After*that was really gross*How Much You Liked It21% How Much He Liked It82%
^ That is such a lie; I would have had it up to 100%. XD ^
Saaaaaaiiiiiiyuuuuukiiiii... Ish awesome. :3 We now have the first fifty episodes, and I couldn't be happier! :D I even got a cool idea for a Saiyuki fanfiction. Hehe.
Other than that... nothing else has really happened. We went to see Shrek the 3rd today, and it was so funny. XD Out of all three, that's my favorite. ^_^
Hmm... I have this nasty head cold, too. My head/nose is plugged, and I can barely breath. Sucks. v_v
what you look like as an magical anime being .:girl pics:. .:anime..duh:. by
Your Name:Delphine