keeping it together

Feb 18, 2009 01:04

Today, I have come to the revelation that I have reached a higher art form of procrastination, which, unfortunately, still is exactly that. I keep busying myself with fun and rewarding projects which are perfectly legitimate in themselves, as they are justified by professional and academic interests. All of them are certainly rewarding and great experiences. To name but a few: Coaching a Moot Court team, writing an academic paper, serving as a judge at another Moot Court, participating in a mediation training, organizing a student group... Yet, they keep me from the only important thing I really should do, which is finish my dissertation. I am starting my Referendariat in April and the diss. isn't even close to finished yet, which originally was the plan. So I am afraid I'll have to stop with the fun but literally extracurricular activities and get down to business. May this post serve as a reminder. ::sigh::

procrastination, priorities, dissertation

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