Good One, Bad One [Emo Post, beware]

Dec 02, 2008 00:41

I am feeling thoroughly inadequate today and I hate it (well, who wouldn't, really). I am working on a paper which is hopefully going to be published in a law journal early next year. Said paper is a joint collaboration between my colleague and me. He is, however, a much more experienced scholar than me and really knows how to write in legalese. Up until now, I knew I had to work on my writing, but I just feel useless now when I compare my stuff to his. So I sit here and stare at the screen until the letters start to fade... Also, I'm starting to suspect that with all my excitement about the new job, I have put too much on my plate. There's still the thesis to finish, the damn paper, the round-table talk in February which is conveniently scheduled the night before I leave for Paris... Plus, I'm trying to prepare *my* students for the Moot Court, and while it is fun, it is also time-consuming and on some days, frustrating.

Even the really good news doesn't do much for me today - mostly because it's not a hundred percent sure, so I don't want to jinx it by mentioning it. Hopefully, I'll know for sure by Saturday.

And, I had a long and exhausting weekend which I should really have used to recuperate. I had two surprise visits from friends, one on Thursday and one on Saturday. Both were a lot of fun and I was glad they came, but between them and saying goodbye to the BFWKB (aka Best Friend With Kissing Benefits), it was a little much.

ETA: I have to say that, while I'm still not in the best of moods, this blog always cracks me up: It's like a sociological study on the species 'white people'. Hilarious, and in many cases oh so true...

paper of doom!, academe, emo, real life, work

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