Am moving - only don't know where to

Aug 13, 2007 17:43

The short story: I have found a job in Munich, starting September, but have not yet been succesful in finding a place to live.

The long story:

In the end, the job search was surprisingly easy. I had sent away five job applications and got four invitations to interview with different law firms. I ended up with four offers and accepted the one I thought suited me best. I'll be working two days a week at a big (German) law firm, working in IP law - which is what I wanted. The people there were very friendly and likeable, and the pay was much better than at the firm I had liked second best. All in all, things in the job department went much better than expected.

Now the apartment search, on the other hand, is hell, simply put. The thing is, I expected it to be hard. Everyone told me, I knew it in advance, in fact, the horridness (is that even a word?) of apartment hunting in Munich is something of a cliché here in Germany. Still, I thought it couldn't be that bad, after all I had seen my fair share when it came to apartment searching and moving. Well, it is exactly as bad as everyone says and then some. First of all, even the smallest, crappiest of flats are incredibly expensive. And here I thought my budget was generous. Turns out it is not! Secondly, people are downright lying about their flats in the ads. I'm used to reading between the lines, of course, but this? I mean, those people lie about things such as whether the flat has a kitchen (which upon sight it didn't have) or a bathroom (dito!). Everyone, and I mean everyone, lies about the size of the flats big time, to the point where it's almost funny. I wouldn't be so pissed off at it if I didn't spend so much time driving around, looking at apartments that I thought were suitable, only to find out that they're absolutely not, and that the landlord could have given me that information in advance when I asked him/her.

On top of that, I have caught a cold because the weather here has been so nasty. I already bought a winter coat, damnit (it is very pretty, but that's not the point). Anyway. Cheer me up, please?

job search, munich, apartment search

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