Long time, no see

Apr 26, 2006 00:09

I figured it's been a while... and yet, there's really nothing interesting to tell. At least I think so. Since you probably don't want to know about how I spend my days at my desk trying to cram useless stuff into my head. Yeah, didn't think so either.

On a happier note, it is finally spring here and my toes have seen the sun for the first timein months. It's beautiful here this time of the year and sometimes just looking around and being outside makes my day.

We celebrated my grandma's 91rst birthday last Friday and let me tell you, she rocks my world. I wish to grow old the way she does. She's still living on her own, cooking her own meals, taking care of her garden and reading the newspaper every day. But most importantly, you can still laugh and have a good time with her. She's not bitter or cranky or resentful at all and she isn't stuck in the past. In short, she's amazing.

At Grandma's, I discovered an old family tree, and let me tell you, I'm glad I didn't live in the 17th or 18th century. Not only did the children often die very young, but, if they didn't, they were *blessed* with some really curious names. I never much liked my name, at least not until I read "Anne of Green Gables". However, compared to "Euphronsina", "Sindonie" or "Christiane", I think I did alright.

And finally, here be fic recs, both one shots and very good:

Sirius bonds with his fourteen-month-old godson.

Grown Ups
Growing up is lonely. So is losing someone you love. Two unlikely people find they have more in common than they realised. Harry/Millicent

harry potter fic, fic recommendation

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