Latest update from Israel

Oct 10, 2013 12:37

Из последнего письма Диминого сына:

1. My father’s condition continues to remain stable over the past 24 hours - which is good.
2. The first of the expected complication: kidney issues. Seems to be getting better.
3. He will likely continue to be intubated and in induced coma for at least a few more days - for his own good. “Best for his body to be on auto-pilot for at least a few more days,” told us one of the doctors
4. Tomorrow some plastic surgery on his leg is expected. To prevent future infections.


1. The police have identified the truck driver who ran him over. The guy claims - perhaps correctly - that he did not feel the accident happen, and therefore continued driving. Considering the fact that the eye-witnesses were very scarce, and no-one saw the number of the truck - the police did their job incredibly quickly. Very, very impressive. Of course, for us this is all not that important at the moment - but it’s great to see that the police did their job very effectively and professionally.

2. A number of people asked if they could come to the hospital to visit my father. The question is very much appreciated, but the answer is very much “no”. One of the main concerns for complications is a result of infections brought in from the outside. The less interaction he has with people, the better.

UPDATE: for Tel-Aviv residents:

On the 17th of October the blood drive will take place in Tel-Aviv's Main Library. Those who are willing to donate their blood, are kindly requested to notify that their donation is intended for David Kazhdan, ID: 326936903. Haim Levanon st on the corner of Einshtein st, 10:00-15:30.
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