I loved the Louvre

Nov 08, 2008 15:12

I discovered something very interesting about the Louvre, it's open late on Friday nights and it is (by Louvre standards anyway) remarkably empty later in the afternoon and evening. So I got to wander around everything and queued for less than five minutes to get in.

The guards were even turning a blind eye to the flash photography so I might have managed to get some decent shots of the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. It's a wonderful museum when it's not full of people.

I loved the greek and Roman statues and the Dutch painters.

Today I toured the Catacombes and found that I did not have a nervous disposition or heart trouble. It's odd but seeing that many human remains laid out seems to make it almost part of the scenery.

I might be up for climbing the Eifel tower tomorrow.
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