Oct 13, 2008 19:45
And kind of tired. The mountain crossing went ok except for some mist that hung round til after I´d got to the Cruz de Ferro.
I got to the confraternity a little late so I wound up staying at the Pilar albergue instead (god that woman works hard)
When the mists cleared the mountain scenery was stunning. El Acebo seemed a lot more touristy this time ( although that may just have been due to the bus-pilgtims´bus trying to squeeze throught the streets). Stayed in the new private albergue in molinaseca last night which is lovely.
Ponferrada was as poluted and castlish as ever. The albergue at cacabelos was reported dirty and it kind of is but it´s worth it not to have bunk beds.
Not sure where I´ll be tomorrow.