(no subject)

May 30, 2005 20:46

i hate having days off of school before summer..it feels like their teasing us..hhaaa you still have a week left!!..bull shit, i don't wanna go backkkkk

this weekend was deffinetly not too exciting...went to grandma and grandpas as i said before..although that was better then i predicted..we had 3 cousins, 3 uncles, 2 aunts and then my grandma and grandpa there..so deffinetly not as full as usual, but it was better then being there alone...spent a lot of the night watching uncle chris do basketball tricks with a cigar hanging out of his mouth, glass of wine in one hand and the ball in the other..hes VERY coridinated

saturday went to my uncles..that was beyond boring..we didn't do anything..at all..sunday had a party with the Isydorics..got to see the new baby..and watched everyone get wasted off their ass..katies cousin that used to look like justin timberlake is now going out with some girl who already has like two or three little boys and has teeth that should be attached to a horses mouth..now she's pregnant with his baby..it was really disturbing to me..

today hung out with malissa..went to this babeque thing..my mom called me thinking i was in jail..someone called and it came up "inmate" on the caller id..she said she didn't wanna answer it because she said if it was me then she wanted me to stay in there...sweet huh?...anyway..called around..i still don't know if it was anyone that i know, but if it was then they were really stupid for calling me cuz i sure as hell don't have any money to bail them out...we figured it was one of dads friends...hes worried now...

then got home and dad said nicole just stopped by..i called her and she was in tears saying that her mom just kicked her out..she gave me the story that seemed semi hard to beleive because her mom isn't the type to just throw her kids out for no reason..but ya never know...i told her she could come stay here if she wanted, but she said that she was gonna try her grandparents frist...part of me just wanted me to ask her why i should care? if she wanted a friend to be there for her she should've treated them like one in the first place...but im not that mean, and i really did feel bad..so offering her a place to stay was the next thing i came up with..who knows..

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