(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 11:51

hung out with Jennifer yesterday, i haven't had that much fun in soooo long...

we went to her house after school and i saw her mom for the first time like all year, she looks soo good, and shes so happy, she got her hair cut and she has two jobs so shes doing really good, i think she's just really happy to have her kids back

i got to see jamie too, we all went to the softball game, holli and malissa did awesome..then we came back to jenns and just hung out...my stomach still hurts from laughing so hard..

i hate it when people talk shit about there friends...i know that there are some acceptions to that statement, but when you really have no reason to be backstabbing them, and when you have to look around the room every time your talking to someone else, to make sure there not there...it gets a little immature and just falt out mean...theres not point in trying to hide your real feelings cuz they're gonna find out sooner or later...i think my biggest pet peeve is when people bitch about their friends to everyone accept the person who they're actually having a problem with..grow up

i need to do something fun this weekend..
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