Feb 23, 2007 21:56
So there are these people, and they conned a little old couple out of $ 200,000.
Jeff has asked that I make primary contacting with them, informing them that our clients now have legal council, and they can either immediately return the money with 10 percent interest or prepare for legal battle.
Me: Why me?
Jeff: Because I don't want to be too harsh. It's a delicate situation dealing with people from other cultures.
Me: You want me to tell them "prepared to be slaughtered on the legal hunting grounds by Dr. M. Jeff Kallis esq" in Vietnamese and that's gonna be nice..in what way?
Jeff: LOL ..not in so many words. Just let them know that settling out of court would make much more sense financially.
Me: Sir, never threaten an Asian man's financial stability... might as well tell him to go eat a turd. Stingy Viets, such as myself, don't take kindly to people who toy with their emotions when it comes to affairs of the wallet.
Jeff: Well you're an Asian lady that speaks the language. I'm hoping that coming from you, it'll sound less threatening and more like advice.
Me: Can I tell him it would be in his best interest to forfeit now because you kill things for fun? That you shoot deer and other beautiful creatures of God and keep their body parts on the wall as trophy so if they don't want to end up in/on a similar position they should cough up the scrills ASAP and we'll let them live another day outside of San Quentin?
Jeff: .... On second thought, let me call.
Me: Excellent choice, Sir. I have not slept or had solid food substances for over 24 hours, in times like these I'm not the best person to be sending on olive branch extending excursions.
but I love Bill. Bill, if you're reading this. Marry me? :P