GIP excuse and MLK Day update

Jan 16, 2012 17:15

I have watched exactly two episodes of Supernatural live this season - the babysitting one because there was no new Grimm or Fringe that night, and the girl playing "Krissy" has been tweeting her mad Jensen-love for a couple of months, followed by Friday's latest time travel episode because of the pretty-pretty promo shots. I actually have a few things WRT Friday's episode I'd like to both squee and bitch about, but I'll save that for tomorrow or later this week (I know I've said that before, but I sorta really mean it this time). Today I just wanted to use what I'm sure will be the first of a bunch of new icons I intend to make. Hee!

Well, I will say one little thing now - for the love of Chuck, will someone please call Jensen's agent and tell him to mail/fax/email/hand-deliver some shots from this episode to the casting director of Boardwalk Empire!!!! I'm just saying. ;)

So after a lot of stressing and a little gloom and doom following The Sibling's three interviews last week, and talk about maybe having to secure a realtor asap, TS got the call she was hoping to get from the job she really wanted - with more money than she thought they'd pay her, and benefits that pick up in 30 days. MASSIVE sigh of relief!

Yesterday The Spousal Unit and I did get out to the movies, and we chose to see The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. It was both good and every bit as rough in parts as I feared, which required me too often to have to stick my fingers in my ears and bury my face in TSU's shoulder. Yes, it was well done, well acted, beautifully shot - and I'll never watch it again. And now I remember why I didn't want to read the book.

Tonight Alcatraz premieres with a two-hour episode opposite the second season premiere of Syfy's Being Human, with Lost Girl following at 10 pm. We'll begin with Alcatraz at 8 pm, and if it tweaks our interest and seems like something we want to keep up with, I'll dvr BH and LG, and then watch BH after Alcatraz (and LG whenever).

Tomorrow night Justified returns ... and so does Southland and White Collar, all at 10 pm. Frak! Seriously, people, I really only have so many hours in a day. *grrrrr*

And apparently Casey Anthony is still in state and the news affiliates won't quit her and we'll never hear the end of that bitch until she's eaten by a bear or something.

I think I'll go read for a bit before I have to start dinner.

tv, gip, supernatural, movie, news

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