So my perfect Monday evening of hunker-down tv was marred last night when word came through on twitter shortly after Eureka aired that
despite earlier reports of a six-episode wrap-up sixth season, SyFy took it back and canceled the show right then and there. If I read the EW report right, sounds like contract negotiations broke down, and that was that. Frack.
There is still the rest of the current fourth season airing this summer, then a
Christmas episode to air in December, followed by a final 12-episode fifth season for next summer. The problem with this is that the cast and crew are a month away from finishing the fifth season shoot, which means TPTB have maybe one episode they can attempt to rewrite in order to cobble together some kind of a rushed series finale. The six episodes they were negotiating for were clearly to have the time to do a proper send-off. Now they won't have that, and this is the part that really sucks, IMO. :(
Bummer. On the upside, perhaps this will bode well for renewals for Haven, Warehouse 13 (which has been outstanding this season), and Alphas. *fingers crossed*