This so far mostly sucky year is half over. Woop.
The Spousal Unit and I saw Cowboys and Aliens this afternoon, and we liked it. It totally had a graphic novel feel to it, and the name was truth in advertising. Cowboys fighting aliens - exactly what we were expecting. I don't know what the hell the critics were expecting, but it was what it was
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Did you get a weird vibey-vibe when Harrison put his hand on Craig's shoulder at the end? My little brain clicked on at that :)
I dreamed a few times with my dad and sis doing completely normal things, watching tv, working on the car, just sitting around the living room. I did the same with my grandma, and still have the occasional dream where we're talking about whatever. It's normal, and I know it helped me a huge amount right after losing dad, to see him again in my dream, as though he were telling me it was okay. {{{hugs}}}
...dreamed we were living in a cave with a small group of people after an armageddon-like event where we were having to scrounge for food, and the creature comforts like electricity was no more.
Wasn't this the plot of Ferocious Planet??
I keep wanting to steal the movie poster for Captain America because it's just the lower half of his face and he LOOKS like Jensen. My local theater didn't have up any good posters of David Tennant for Fright Night. I shall be on the lookout and I WILL get one of his :)
True, but then again that's very typical and even cliche for a western, which is essentially what this was. And I like me some soaring vistas! But what a shame the stupid Smurfs movie beat it at the box office. Oy.
Did you get a weird vibey-vibe when Harrison put his hand on Craig's shoulder at the end? My little brain clicked on at that :)
But of course! LOL!
Wasn't this the plot of Ferocious Planet??
HOWL!!!! Yeah, maybe that's what I was thinking of. *snicker* I'm still ridiculously tickled that Joe made it all the way to the end of that silly movie. ;D
I like the poster for CA too - and I don't think it looks like Evans at all. More like some generic guy - which, yeah, describes Evans (more reason why he wasn't so memorable). Still, I don't really think the poster looks like Evans. Of course, if it had been Jensen, I'd be begging, borrowing, or stealing that thing.
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