The second week of this new year has shaken out a little better than the first. Or, at least, things have calmed down a bit. Most likely it's just the calm before the next storm, so I remain ever vigilant. And tired.
For some reason I just can't get into the habit of writing '10 or 2010 on my checks or whenever I have to write the date down on something. I don't usually have that problem year after year, but for some reason my brain really doesn't want to go there yet.
The Spousal Unit drove up to Gainesville this afternoon for the Gator basketball game, and The Girl Child is home since it's a three-day weekend and her chances of coming down much, if at all, before spring break will be nil as she has to start working regularly on Saturday and Sunday nights this semester (working for the campus student van service). I took her, The Boyfriend, and The Boy to our favorite Italian haunt for an early dinner - they all skipped lunch and were starving.
I'm planning on driving up to Gainesville next Friday or Saturday to crash at
vala3's place to visit and attempt a little mental health break. Fingers crossed nothing goes wrong to screw that up.
Tonight I think I'll sit back and watch the Caprica Pilot on dvd that I bought ages ago and completely forgot I had in the house! D'oh! I know it premieres on SyFy next Friday night - and from what I can tell SyFy won't be participating in the Haiti telethon, so their schedule should be unaffected. Still, it seems ridiculous not to try and watch it beforehand so I can justify buying the dvd (though at the time I don't recall why I did - I think it was long before the series was a sure thing).
We couldn't get through the first ten minutes of Demons on BBCA when it premiered a couple weeks ago (so much suckage!), so that's one I don't have to keep up with on Saturdays. I like having nothing I feel I have to watch on Saturdays, for the most part. Makes it a good night for dvds and reading, and I do need to do some reading tonight as well.
I'm slowly adding things back to my "Must See" list as shows either return or premiere - giving myself a chance to find out what I like and don't like WRT new programming, and what I'm over and can live without WRT returning series. As I said, already crossed Demons off the list, and after taking two days to watch last week's Chuck premiere and realizing I was bored out of my skull the entire time, I dropped that from my list of TV to keep up with. It's just the same old thing every week, and I guess I'm over it. I no longer find it as charming as I used to.
On the flip side, I'm still every bit as addicted to Big Love as I have been for the past three seasons. I never get tired of my little polygamous clan. Enjoyed the season four premiere immensely, and I even like the new moody intro. I guess it was probably time for a change, even though I always loved the original Beach Boys intro with all them on ice skates.
I found out The Book Group was a series that aired way back in 2002 - any of the Brits remember this one? I thought Anne Dudek looked a little younger, though I was surprised it was an eight-year-old series. I don't even know how many episodes they have. I do have the entire second season of Merlin that
ezust burned for me to watch as soon as I can squeeze it in.
coppertopp for the first time last week when she was in town visiting relatives. Didn't realize - or remember - that Florida was her old stomping grounds, and she's an UF grad as well (I'm sure you've said before and I just blanked on it!). Hopefully next time she comes to town we'll be able to enjoy a longer visit. :)
The Sibling was in state at the same time making The Maternal Unit miserable - the usual drill. I did get her to tell me the entire plot of Up in the Air since I haven't gotten out to see that one yet and she and The Maternal Unit did. The Spousal Unit wasn't interested in seeing it with me, and then I heard it was really depressing and wasn't sure I still wanted to see it as I'm REALLY not in the mood for anything that's going to bum me out more than real life is already managing to do. But now that I know the whole plot I think I can probably sit through it - if it's still in the theater, that is.
We did get out to see Sherlock Holmes over the holidays, and I enjoyed that one as much as I thought I would. At the same time, I can say it wasn't exactly what I expected either. Still, if a sequel is forthcoming, I'll be there. The Spousal Unit went to see Avatar with the offspring and I begged off since he wanted to see it in 3-D IMAX, and I am too conscious of my movie-going visual limitations now. And it's a good thing I skipped it as TSU said I wouldn't have even made it through the previews.
I did the texting thing for the Red Cross, and also donated through the J2 fans fund-raiser for Doctors Without Borders.