Rosemary and no thyme

Jun 12, 2009 20:20

Ann-Tara's first foray into growing fresh herbs has finally resulted in the death of the thyme. Actually, it never really took off, even though it was planted in the same kind of pot and with the same kind of soil that the rosemary, oregano, sage, and chives were planted in and with. The oregano and rosemary are thriving the best. The chives are okay, but the sage looks iffy. And here I was getting cocky and contemplating trying to grow basil and Italian parsley, as those are the herbs I use the most. Now my confidence is shattered. :(

The torrential rains subsided a couple weeks ago, only to be replaced once again by mid-90-degree stifling heat with nary a drop of the liquid stuff nor a break in sight. That's what we get for complaining about being flooded out. *sigh* It's hardest on the pups who look forward to a walk around the neighborhood at least once a day. But it's been too oppressive for days to attempt it. Yet, I broke down and walked them around 7 pm tonight when it had to be in the 90's still. *groan* If this scorching weather isn't breaking anytime soon, I'm going to have to start walking them after dark.

Alas, it appears that the movie The Spousal Unit really wants to see - Moon - is opening only in limited release, which does not include Orlando, or Florida at all, I think. The release date for this area is July 10 - the day of TSU's surgery. Unbelievable. It'll likely be here and gone before he is able to get out and see it. Curse the irony!

Kings returns this Saturday to complete its run, and I've read in at least two different places that all will be answered by the end of the seven remaining episodes. That would be a refreshing change for a canceled series.

personal, weather, kings

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