There use to be no internet event I hated more than April 1, almost worse than the ever prevalent threat of hackers crashing our PCs and stealing our identities. But on this April 1, combined with the newest worm menace hanging over our heads, I find that I actually fear less this particular evil as I believe there is an internet evil greater than all that - the ultimate threat to the internet, if not humanity itself. It's Twitter. If this isn't a sign that humanity is doomed and maybe it's time for the next dominant species to step up, I don't know what is.
With four weeks left of the spring semester, it dawned on me over the weekend that I'd been derelict in my New Year's resolution/plan to clean out the garage in order to have space to store all The Girl Child's dorm and whatnot supplies over the summer. I went into panic mode and have spent the last few days pulling everything on floor level out to clean and reorganize, as well as toss or take to the dump (old paint cans) and Good Will (things I'd been collecting and had stacked out there). It's hot, sweaty, dirty work, but I got it done faster than I thought I would. Once you're in the groove, it's better to just finish it. Besides, I couldn't park my van in the garage until I'd gotten it all done, and I hate leaving it in the driveway. The Spousal Unit still has to help me clear off all the shelves because I know there's a ton of crap on those that we can also toss; but the shelves have nothing to do with the floor space issue for bins of college supplies. I'm shooting for this weekend to get those done.
TGC comes home for Easter weekend and will begin bringing with her what she can do without over the next three weeks. Then I'll be driving up to Gainesville the following two weekends to pack up and bring home the rest. I can't believe her first year of college has flown by so fast - much faster than when the kids were in K-12.
The Big C went about as well as could be expected last Thursday. As I'd always been told, the prep day is worse than the procedure itself. No polyps, so I don't have to do it again for another 10 years, apparently. And I get a gold star for going through with it like a good girl (note to my pals who haven't braved it yet). ;)
Tonight marks the finales for two of my favorite series - the second season finale of Damages, which I've been as thoroughly engrossed by as I was the entire first season. This series plays out like a really good book - my favorite kind of on-screen story-telling. I can't wait to see what they have in mind for the third season.
Then it's the series finale of Life on Mars (*sniff*!), which saddens me because I think they could have gotten at least one more solid season out of this remake. ABC really screwed the pooch here because the series was doing well enough for them on Thursday night where they originally had it scheduled. Then, like everything else, it's yanked off for an extended hiatus, moved to a new night (Wednesdays) when it does return, and instantly loses half its audience (though there's another good article
here about why the US television market needs to re-imagine what is considered success and how to better produce dramas). But at least, unlike Pushing Daisies, they gave the producers fair warning and allowed them time to wrap it up. I'm very interested to see what they have planned to explain the central mystery since it's not going to be the same ending as the UK version. I know the US series is planned for dvd release - I'd love to get both the US and UK versions on dvd eventually. The ultimate TV bookends. :)
I really enjoyed the screen adaptation of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency on Sunday. It was charming, and almost everyone in the cast was just as I pictured them while reading the book. I almost didn't recognize Idris Elba without his goatee. Since I haven't read anything past the first novel, I don't know if his character returns at all considering his story does seem to end in the book and the two-hour Pilot, which spanned the entire first book. I watched the companion shorts at HBO On!Demand, and if I understand the author correctly, the rest of the series doesn't necessarily take anymore story ideas from the books and will go off and do its own stories - much like Dexter. Right now I'm hooked. :)
I haven't really enjoyed the last couple of Lost episodes the way I normally do - the events in the episodes and interaction between the characters has stressed me out more than anything. However, I thought the end scene to last week's episode was a powerfully bold choice and I was actually quite excited to see the impending fall-out. Unfortunately, I saw some of the preview clips for tonight's episode and I'm very disappointed with the apparent follow-up. Come on, Lost, that's a maneuver far more reminiscent of Heroes. *grrrr* I hope it's better than I fear.
It's a Terrible Life has been discussed to death, as most SPN episodes are almost immediately following airing, and I'm really too late to add even two cents into the mix now. But I just have to say that Dean in a suit with a form-fitting striped dress shirt and suspenders is a thing of fucking BEAUTY! And I'm really taken aback by just how damn comfortable and right he looked in the role. I think Dean could have been almost anything he wanted to be, had he had a chance and choice in the matter. *homina*! ;)