I'm over Fay!!!!

Aug 23, 2008 20:04

Really, really sick of the rain. Over it! Please stop now. Fay sux.

The Girl Child is back from UF this weekend. We moved her into the dorms last Sunday. Busy day, busy couple of weeks leading up to the move. But I like where her dorm is located, and we met the one roomie who coincidentally was moving in the exact same time Sunday morning that we were. She and roomie #1 seem to get along pretty good. Roomie #2 didn't show up until after 5 pm, and her mother apparently was a total terror with the floor RA. She knew her daughter was going to be in a temporary triple, but I guess she simply assumed one of the other girls wouldn't show up or something, I don't know. The girl herself is okay, but the two early birds are the ones who get along best. So we all figure when they get around to de-tripling their room, the roomie who's not the happiest camper with the unhappy mother can be the one to move out. The Girl Child likes where she's at.

Found a perfect place to park her car on campus last weekend as well, before the parking lots got over full. And she hasn't moved it since. ;) We said to just leave it there and we'd drive her back and forth for a few weeks if she wanted to come home, until she could figure out the best times to move the car, when there would be a better likelihood of parking spaces available upon her return. Parking is a bitch on the UF campus. Luckily she really doesn't need to drive during the week at all. Everything is in walking distance, and the city transit buses are free to UF students. We really only have the car up there so she can eventually use it to drive back home to Orlando on weekends whenever she wants to. At some point we may discover it's just not worth having it there at all, though.

Classes start on Monday. I hope she finds them interesting. I'll feel more relaxed once I know she's in a good routine with her studies. We don't want her working part-time this first semester. We'd rather she hunker down with her studies and pull in the good grades, upon which her state scholarship is dependent. She can work during the summers, like she did this summer. But while school is in session, that's her priority as far as we're concerned.

We missed her last week, but are excited for her as well. :)

So, how about that episode last night, eh? Pretty slashy.

I, of course, am referring to ... Psych. *psych*! ;) I always love it when they begin the episode with a flashback to a wee Shawn and Gus adventure - this time, digging for oil in Shawn's backyard. Naturally, they cut into a water line and are enveloped in a geyser of mud (mud wrestling!), which both boys enjoy immensely. So cute.

I counted three distinct times the writers, and Roday, we're going for the gay last night. First, when Gus refers to himself as a "queen" (not a pawn) - cue knowing look exchanged; second, when Shawn is introducing himself and Gus and refers to Gus as "Chesterfield McMillan ... and Wife", the delayed qualification (added by Roday himself, I'm guessing) not just a cultural TV reference, but also sounded like he was calling Gus his wife, which Gus is, natch (hee!); and finally when the oilman says he'll be "topside" and Shawn deadpans back that he and Gus will be "bottoms up" - cue curious look from oilman. ;)

While I get tired of the sibling rivalry shtick writers love to include as background for almost any regular character (this time Chief Vick), I love seeing Jane Lynch show up in anything and everything, so I'm willing to let it slide. And, personally, I think Barb and Lassie make a pretty cute couple! :)

I've really enjoyed the new season of Eureka so far this summer, but when it was hinted that one of the regulars was going to die in last week's episode, I dreaded that it would be Starke and hated that my fears were confirmed. I mean, I figured something was going to happen to stop he and Allison from getting remarried. It's pretty obvious that the intention is for she and Carter to end up somewhere in the vicinity of together by the series finale, at least. And I found it to be not entirely in character for Allison to go back to that well at the end of last season anyway. I thought she and Starke were much better as friends and colleagues than as a couple (I feel the same about she and Carter right now). So I knew something was coming - but I didn't want it to be Starke's demise! *waaaaaaaah* That was entirely unnecessary. *grump* I guess they had to cut someone's paycheck to afford Frances Fisher. :(

However, given that this is Eureka and no one really ever has to be dead forever, I'm still hoping Starke and Ed Quinn are coming back at some point. But I have to say, that scene where Starke and Carter are holding steadfast on each other's gaze while Starke is sacrificing himself to reset the time loop, coupled with Nathan calling Carter "Jack" right before he dies (and telling him he'll see him around!), was one of slashiest things I've ever seen. *pant* It almost made Starke's demise worthwhile ... almost. Just ... sob*!

A couple weeks ago I read the first novel in the Southern Vampire series (by Charlaine Harris), prepping myself to check out HBO's True Blood series in September. The Girl Child has most of the series in the house and I always meant to read them before this. However, I gotta admit that I found the book kinda boring. None of the characters captivated me and the whole premise seemed a little tired. The preview for the HBO series shows the first episode, or first few episodes, following the premiere book pretty closely. But what I've seen so far looks a little more enticing than the book was. I know ezust has seen the pre-retooled Pilot and wasn't impressed, but I'll still check it out the first week at, least. If it doesn't grab me more than the book did, though, I won't keep up with it.

Speaking of books and ezust, I must apologize to her because I did something really stupid. She gave me three of the Elvis Cole novels by Robert Crais for my last birthday. So, my mind being the sieve that it is, and my thought processes being scattered more often than not, I placed the books on a shelf where I have other paperbacks, thinking that was the most logical place to store them until I was ready to start reading them. Unfortunately, the paperback bookshelf is not in the most obvious place in the house and, well, out of sight out of mind.

So last weekend when we were bunking with my pal in Gainesville, she pulled out one of the same books to recommend, and a bell went off. D'UH!!!!!!!! As soon as we got home I began scouring the house for those books, and it took me forever to recall where I had put them. Idiot! Now I have them sitting at my bedside, and as soon as I'm finished reading Special Topics in Calamity Physics (which is good, but long), I'm going to break open that first novel. ;)

Just didn't want you to think I didn't appreciate them, ezust!

Finally, on a rare political note, I have to say that I think Obama made a good choice in Joe Biden for VP. I thought he had more than one decent (rumored) candidate on the short list, but Biden probably fills more of the ticket's (and hopefully eventual Administration's) needs than some of the others.

books, hurricane, personal, psych, political, eureka

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