I HATE waiting all friggin' day on repair people - in today's case, a plumber to snake out a slow-flushing toilet. Took him two minutes when he finally showed up, cost me $120 and my entire day's plans shot to hell. *fume* On top of it all, I've been besieged by phone solicitors today. I assume these are mostly, or all, last-ditch political adverts; but since I have Caller-ID and an answering machine, I haven't had to listen to any of them. But it doesn't keep the phone from ringing incessantly. Leave me alone, I already know everyone I'm going to be voting against. I'll be glad when tomorrow is over and we can get back to the normal shitty state of affairs this country is in under the worst Administration in our entire history. One for the books - if history books haven't been outlawed under Bush's regime, that is. Probably have been.
I think this line from the season finale of Weeds sums it up: "You have failed us all! Everything is not OK!"
During the Great Mini-ElJay Blackout of Nov 4, 2006, I didn't panic, not even a little bit. Ironically I had intended to finally update my own LJ that day - even had a little list of topics dutifully written down on a Post-It to touch upon. But when I saw that it was not to be, I took the opportunity to get a whole lot of other shit done that needed to be done anyway. *shrug*
You know, it's been a long time since I cared enough to bother seeing another Bond flick, but the promos for
the new Daniel Craig version actually has The Spousal Unit and I excited and our interest piqued. I don't know what the hell the fans were bitching about for so long after Craig was cast. IMO, he looks and acts more the part of Bond than any other actor since Sean Connery. In fact, I think he looks like a young Sean Connery. So sign me up! *waggle-waggle*
I think Showtime's series Dexter is leaps and bounds better written than the little novel, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, upon which it is based. And it just gets better every week. I'm so happy the series was renewed for a second season. :D
Once again I am in awe of all of you who have signed up for NaNoWriMo. Good luck - you all rock!
We surprisingly, and happily, had lots of trick-or-treaters last Tuesday night. People were letting their children enjoy the holiday the way it's meant to be enjoyed. Every year when I think the Right Wing Evangelical hypocrites have finally succeeded in brow-beating their congregations into keeping their children home or in church every Oct 31, a year will come around, like this year, where everyone is out in costume and enjoying themselves and their neighbors. That gives me hope. :)
The little ham