Season finale fever

May 10, 2006 15:15

Spring is in the air and the smell of season finales is everywhere, with some smelling more than others, if you catch my drift. Like, for instance, the Gilmore Girls finale, for which I was completely spoiled and dreaded, and found that it did indeed live down to absolutely every bottom-feeding expectation. Not to mention the fact that it was just plain boring, padded with creatively bankrupt filler, and redundant as all get out (been there, done that before, have burned the t-shirt). Plus I pretty much either hated everyone or, worse, just didn't give a shit about them. The Palladinos apparently subscribe to the Aaron Sorkin school of hissy fits and pissing on your own creation (and, thus, all your loyal fans) when you don't get your way from the network, or one or another of your actors won't jump through all the hoops, or you think the media is being unkind to you, or you've been legally forced into rehab, or a host of other reasons you can come up with for throwing a tantrum on screen for all to see and be bored by.

Hey, Amy and Dan - don't let the screen door hit your lying collective asses on the way out. The new showrunner has quite a mess on his hands to have to clean up and make some sense out of. He's probably contemplating methods of suicide at this point. But my feeling is that whether he succeeds or fails in season seven is moot now because I'm not convinced the SherPas would have done any better after flushing this season down the toilet, especially if their intention was drag out the fix for not one but two years, just because. There's no joy in Mudville anymore.

On the upside, I was also spoiled for the Veronica Mars season finale (because I couldn't wait!), and that fact did nothing to diminish my anticipation and enjoyment of the final product. A few nits aside, I thought it was excellent - especially standing next to the steaming pile of poo that was last night's Gilmore Girls.

Though I had initially pegged CreePee Woody or Skank 'Ho Kendall as two of the top candidates in the bus crash mystery, Beaver "My Name is Cassidy" Casablancas was a wholly believable running mate, especially given the hints we got throughout the year of his impending melt-down and general fucked-up'edness - and too the fact that CreePee and Skank 'Ho were, admittedly, a little too obvious. Once it was clear that Cassidy was one of Woody's victims, we knew the kid really was a time bomb ready to go off at any minute (no pun intended, truly) - and his lack of performance with Mac only added fuel to the fire. I do think they went a little overboard in the villainy department, though. I expect a little more subtlety from this show, especially since what Cassidy has endured (molestation, parental abandonment, and the typical horrors of being in high school with an ass of an older brother) should have rendered him a somewhat sympathetic victim. Not for his actions (though Woody certainly deserved his fate), but for his damaged psyche.

Still, the reveal worked, and his tie to Veronica's rape mystery of last season was clever and a much better explanation than Duncan's roofied actions. Speaking of which, love-Love-LOVED Duncan's long-arm vigilantism in taking care of Aaron once and for all. And I'm glad he's safe with baby Lilly in Australia (it was also good to see him again in Veronica's perfect dreamscape). I'm only sorry we didn't get a chance to see Logan's reaction to hearing of his father's murder, though. On the upside, we were rewarded with Logan's sharp-witted attentiveness in figuring out that Veronica was headed into a trap on the roof, and his being the one to talk her down from doing something he knew she'd regret the rest of her life. Plus, the LoVe is back! Score! :D And how interesting it was that in Veronica's perfect dream, where her mother is sober and safe within the bosom of the family, her father is still the Sheriff, Lilly is alive and indulging her lesbian tendencies, that she and Logan would be a couple instead of she and Duncan. Also a little curious how in her dream she never knew Wallace until graduation (he was adorable in the glasses!).

The truth of Jackie's background was one of the biggest surprises, and yet it fit comfortably and explained better her odd relationship with her father. Plus it gives them a chance to bring Jackie back for a guest-starring appearance, especially since Wallace clearly and honestly cares for her.

I felt horrible for Weevil! All he wanted was for his grandmother to watch him graduate. Damn you, Lamb - you could have waited ten minutes! *sob*

I have to admit that reading spoilery commentary before getting a chance to watch the episode has spared me many an ulcer, like I would have endured had I thought Keith was still on the plane and was killed along with Woody. That would have been too much to bear, even for the few minutes it lasted. But what the hell could have been so important in that briefcase to cause Keith to stand up his daughter at the airport?


gilmore girls, veronica mars

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