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May 13, 2011 22:10

On Wednesday, I went to a noontime yoga class offered near my office and after a good hour of stretching and just-strenuous-enough flow work, it was time for Savasana, corpse pose. This has always been a psychologically difficult pose for me -- the combination of muscles twingeing and settling and the utter stillness after an hour of intense tension, but also one of my favorites. It's such an exquisite state to feel that much, that acutely.

Usually instructors put on some kind of meditative Sanskrit music, one of those songs that get made fun of by people who make fun of yoga classes. Yesterday, the teacher put on Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah": one of the most gut-wrenchingly emotional songs in the universe... I almost lost it. Lying in the middle of a dimly lit and too-hot meeting room, in the middle of a workday, trying desperately not to cry.

It feels good to feel alive, sometimes... even if that alive is the feeling of one's vertebrae pressing into a warm mat and the deep breathing of almost-tears.
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